August Pickup Games


Senior Squid
May 30, 2015
Hey everyone :)

Don't want to sound like a broken record but I mentioned several times that I've been a competitive Quake player in this forum :P
The quake community organized itself through IRC throughout most of the games' lives. I know that IRC is pretty much dead with the young guys but it isn't really neccessary given that there's pretty decent web clients these days, some people might not even notice they're on IRC :D

What I'd like to do is gauge interest in a pickup game system for splatoon. The way it'd work would be that you connect to IRC either through a proper client or a webclient and you can issue commands to join organized games (e.g. "!add sz" would add you to a splat zones game). Of course there would be a mumble/teamspeak server for the community where the people who are in the pickup game can communicate. You'd also have the benefit of being able to play every map whenever you want with people who are probably much better than the average solo que player or people who are willing to learn how to get better.

You can see a very good demonstration of how this would work over at
I'd be willing to pay for the first few months of server rent for this and then may switch this over to donations / or ads on the webpage should it gain traction within the community, but it shouldn't cost more than 5-10€ a month.

What do you guys think?

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