Blue Ringed Octolings, recruiting! (Oceania)


Full Squid
Feb 20, 2016
Hey everyone, Blue Ringed Octolings (BRO) is finally open for recruitment! We are a semi-competitive Oceanic based squad aged between 12-28 and ranked A+ to S+. We usually play together on weekends. There are a few limitations to joining:

-You need to live in Oceania -Time zones make it hard for us to play globally and the whole point of our squad is to have everyone with a similar time zone.

  • Must have/get discord - We use it as our main form of communication so it’s a must.
  • A+ or above.
  • Age 12 or above (if you’re younger but mature, we can make exceptions).
  • Please try to be active. Don’t just join and then never talk to us again.
-No double squadding please. If you fulfill these conditions then message me back, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

Looking For: We are open for all weapon types, but it's a bonus if you are an elitre or Dynamo main!

If you are interested in joining, reply to this thread, or message me and I will respond as soon as possible.

Happy Splatting!

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