As Isaac said it largely depends on the state of the match but I can say what I usually keep in mind.
If you're not able to threaten, poke at, or distract opponents, or if you're not trying to lock down some kind of space that the opponents want to get into, then chances are your current position isn't very good. Also, if you're in a spot where weapons both outrange you and can reach around cover to hit you or can see you in the open, then you need to be cautious of those.
The big exceptions are if your weapon needs to farm for its special quickly or if it cannot afford to die soon for some other reason, then not dying should come first. It's very vague, I know, but some part of this was going to be no matter what. You should still be looking for opportunities for the above to apply though. Easiest example is an N-ZAP during most points of the game. Your goal with that weapon is to get Tacticooler and if you die without Tacticooler active then that is a massive setback for your team. So you should be playing more patiently with the main goal of not dying, but also looking for other ways to effect the state of the game, mainly with Suction Bombs and playing very close to teammates so you can help them force 2v1s. You can apply these concepts to a lot of other weapons.
If you can't move to too many other parts of the map without being vulnerable, then chances are your position could be better. An example of this is the bottom right area of mid in Scorch Gorge where, yeah, you might be able to poke at some enemies there, but if you need to get to the very center of the map because someone's climbed up there then you'll have a rough time. It's fine to be in spots like here sometimes but it's something to be mindful of. Again, depends on what the state of the game is.
It all takes some feeling out for each map but I hope this helps regardless!