Clam blitz - b+ hell


Sep 21, 2015
Holy @$&+

I have the football. Die nearby my own net. Watch the football just sit on the ground while my teammates shoot around.... And watch the football just disappear on the ground because nobody wants it

Please get the darn football!


Pro Squid
Oct 5, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Haha, mate. I really feel you.

The reason in this lies with Clam Blitz being relatively new. The ranks are not accordingly sorted yet. You have relatively new players who are not that experienced be thrown in a lobby with S+ players. Naturally, some newcomers will be pulled to higher ranks and are then going to really bug you when they get put in your team while you try to get away from B.

Give it some time. Eventually it will sort out and everyone will drop/rise to the rank they roundabout deserve.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
What Lix has said is pretty accurate. People have had years to learn the other modes, this is totally new. Even some pros are making mistakes because of a simple lack of familiarity. Best advice I can give is to take the "solo" part of solo Ranked very seriously and try to do as much as you can by yourself... it's worked for me, anyway.


Jan 6, 2018
Switch Friend Code
The hardest thing I find about Clam Blitz is recovery. I find it pretty difficult to take the lead once my team is behind. That's probably a team coordination thing though... I'm B- right now and the solo struggle is real lol. But I agree that it' probably because this is the rank that most of the "still-learning-this-mode" players are at. Gotta finesse my strategy a bit before I make it to the A ranks lol.


Jan 7, 2018
Switch Friend Code
i knew i couldn't be the only one who felt this way.

it was extremely easy for me to reach S on all the other game modes, considering that they aren't new to me.
i fell into the hang of clam blitz really easily, but the main setback is the lack of teamwork.
plus the goals are placed in really odd, hard to reach places.

maybe after everyone settles into the gamemode, they'll learn teamwork strategies and use it to create better gameplay.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 10, 2016
I think that Nintendo has done something to try to place people with groups that have similar ranks in other modes. When I was in ranks B through A I would notice after leaving that everybody in the lobby was S+ in other modes, so depending on what rank you are in other modes there may be players with no idea how clam blitz flows.

I also want to add that the individual battles have been incredibly inconsistent for me. I was in A rank and was losing almost every battle until I had still not reached the OK mark on the meter but the meter had three cracks in it. After that point I won every battle until I ranked up. There have also been a very surprising number of comeback victories as well, so neither team is really out of it if they have a football.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 12, 2017
So after not touching Clam Blitz for a couple weeks, I decided to do some matches to try to learn a new play style. I started last night at B-, and did a couple earlier this morning.

The matches I did last night left a bad taste in my mouth. I got easy wins out of them, but simply because someone "disconnected" immediately after my team scored. Obviously this is due to someone rage quitting. Like....why? Why turn the game on at all if you're not going to play? Are you expecting to get carried through ranked? These people aren't just ruining the matches for others, but the others still get punished for the "fair loss", because it'll sometimes take a while to score. These matches were around 1500 rank power.

The matches I did earlier this morning were matches I never expected in B rank Clam Blitz. I had teams who were coordinated. Yes, you didn't read that wrong. I had coordinated teams in rank B solo Clam Blitz. Take a minute to process that. We had a teammate who would hide by the enemy's goal and act as a beacon. We had one who would go "this way" with several clams and superjump to the hidden teammate. The guy then noticed I nearly had 10 clams, and threw his clams to me to give me a super clam and cause us to score. I had teammates who watched my back and shot down an enemy closing in on me. They would "booyah!" me for splatting someone chasing them down. Admittedly this became more common as I won matches and the rank power of matches increased. I started at 1600 and ended at around 1800.

Also using a Splat Roller in Clam Blitz is a blast. I'm garbage with it, but it's a nice playstyle in the middle of all the chaos.


Full Squid
Aug 18, 2017
Here's some advice that worked for least I've gone on a big win streak recently and it's been correlated with the following approach. I'm sure there's more than one way to skin to the cat but for what it's worth....

*First focus more on gathering clams and making lots of superclams (look out esp for those groups of four clams) more than being goalie (sometimes you need to play goalie too but you should not be playing goalie the whole time). Do not expect others to handle the offense.
*Use swim speed up and ink resistance up so you can escape situations in which you might otherwise die....don't die (except if you are tossing in clams on a suicide mission).
*This part might be harder in B ranks but you gotta be aware of what your team is doing and join if multiple of you have power clams and the other team is down a man with few clams you should be pushing, pushing as a group. Summon your team with this way. It doesn't always work but usually your push is more successful with more people. Conversely if you team has few clams you and the other team has many more and power clams, your team should be on defense together (but even while you're on defense you should be gathering clams unless your basket is open - then you should be killing the opponents off).
*Map control is really important. The first step to pushing is pressuring the opponent by gaining map control (this also makes it easier to escape death).
*I know I just said team pushes are crucial (and they are) but at the same time though I often throw a power clam in the basket as a solo exercise... I sneak over to the opponents basket typically using a less obvious route (such as going up the far left wall on ink academy and coming around to the back of the basket or on manta Maria, rather than going right or center, going up the wall to the left and around to the side of the basket) and where I know with my swim speed I can get there even though someone will probably kill me pretty soon after I toss it in. Knowing the maps well and knowing there alternate paths is important.
*Use your subs and specials. Obviously this depends on your weapon but many subs and specials are really good in bubbles. If you put a bunch of bubbles near the other teams basket you can hide in them and approach the basket very safely. Another example is using ink armor before a team fight or using suction bombs (or really any bomb) both offensivrly and defensively.
*I've noticed that as I've begun to win more I've had less splats. I attribute that to spending more time collecting clams and less time defending. Also more running away from fights I probably won't win.

Ultra 997

Jan 19, 2018
East Coast, United States
Switch Friend Code
I agree with this post. Being a B- can suck, and I mostly have a hard time. I'm not blaming my teammates, I just don't know. I feel like the B range is like the middle range, with new B- coming from C range, and A/S players on a constant losing streak going into B range. I don't know if it's just me, but nearly half of the Clam Blitz Matches I've ever played, every damn player is really aggressive.
Clam Blitz? More like Clam Hell.
(Hence the name of this post.)


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
-Start stealing clams over scoring kills early game. That being said, if someone on the other side has a ton of clams on them make sure to splat them and take them for your own!
-Once most of the clams are gathered start going for kills/leftover clams until either you get 1-2 Power Clams or the other side does. Map control is nice too, any clams on your turf will get marked for you to pick up.
-If you or anyone else has a power clam at the ready, huddle around and start pushing towards their goal. Keep an eye on the map- It's not uncommon for the enemy to assemble a quick Power Clam over at your side and quickly dunk it to prevent you from doing the same to them.
-If the other side gets it, start defending. They'll likely be too few clams left on the field for you to assemble a Power Clam, so do your best to take them away from them.


Semi-Pro Squid
Dec 8, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Ninja squid. Swim speed. Close range weapon. Hunt middle. Win.

That’s my method. Not very team oriented I must say. But it sure stalls the other team a heck of a lot. And one score for your team with a remainder of the match turtling is usually how my games end up as wins. Obviously it’s not surefire and sometimes the other team will score first and my team puts up the white flag. Oh well.

Ultra 997

Jan 19, 2018
East Coast, United States
Switch Friend Code
Ninja squid. Swim speed. Close range weapon. Hunt middle. Win.

That’s my method. Not very team oriented I must say. But it sure stalls the other team a heck of a lot. And one score for your team with a remainder of the match turtling is usually how my games end up as wins. Obviously it’s not surefire and sometimes the other team will score first and my team puts up the white flag. Oh well.
This is a good method. I might try it.


Semi-Pro Squid
Dec 8, 2017
Switch Friend Code
This is a good method. I might try it.
I really do find it effective for myself a lot of the time. If you have points on the board and the other team has fewer, you know they’re either giving up or scrambling for clams and racing to the barrier. And it’s very obvious to tell what opponents are racing for the objective. So if you give your teammates the freedom to do whatever the hell theyre gunna do, as long as you’re hunting down the squids with the longest clam trail and footballs you can hopefully rest assured that your team is trying to put up more points.

And if you’re down in points, I honestly use the same method, because in that case it’s switched and your team is scrambling for clams and racing to the barrier. So if you’re hunting their team you’re at least trying to make a resistant free path for your squids to score.

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