despite its flaws, this game is carrying the series further no matter how we look at it


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
(i have bolded and underlined main general points if you don't feel like reading)

in my last post i talked about how the game has had so many things to get excited for and so much potential and how a lot of it got wasted
. i also said "it feels like a small indie dev team new to making multiplayer games", i meant that some of the decisions they made in this game make it seem this way, not the entire game. i also said this game has always been mid, and that we kept playing to see how good it can get, only to see the exact opposite happen. i think "mid" might be taken as a harsh term, i meant that it hasn't been amazing but it hasn't been all that bad either. with how unique this series is and with how much they can do with it, it felt like splatoon 3 was a letdown in some areas.

however, i also did not mention many things that they did to this game that were extremely good, even things that will be great for the series going forward
. that post would have been twice as long so i didn't do it, but today i realized that i can just make another post lol. this game pretty much does as much right as it does wrong, and i think now is as good a time as ever to start thinking more positively about where this series is going given that a lot of this new season doesn't look so great. also i may have been too harsh in general in that post and i need to double back a bit

first: the maps. sure, almost all of the maps in this game are terrible, and people even started only playing zones layouts because of it, but, first of all: this game was rushed. they made changes to these maps because they wanted to try new things, but didn't have enough time to flesh things out. the maps in the trailers looked a lot more like older stages, proving there was clearly last minute changes. also, in more recent seasons, they have proven that they still know how to make good stages. crableg, shipshape (only tc and zones imo), and robo-ramen have been amazing. and mahi's map rework was pretty decent, tower and especially zones actually becoming good on it (we don't talk about mincemeat, it was doomed from the start and would have taken way too much effort from the devs to make into a real stage). as for why the splat 1 stages got butchered, it's probably because they are afraid that they may feel outdated and might not work well with this new game, but again, they likely didn't have time to make them truly complete. also, people only play zones only at top of the top level, which is not many people and where things are extremely strict on what is viable.

next: kits. the kits system in this game does not work. with how few kits they are adding and how long in between when we get them it makes sense how we all complain about it, especially if your favorite weapon gets 2 terrible kits. but, think about it. there is no way they don't know how much people like or don't like the kits they make, they can only learn from their mistakes. and, they are always trying new things. should they not be able to try out unconventional kits to see what works? plus, they have likely realized how much this system isn't that great. remember: they been doing this for almost a decade by now.

as for the balance changes, yeah they haven't been great. but, they have mad a lot of good changes, and the rest of their changes are because they might be scared to change too much about the game. remember how they made all of the lethal bombs have smaller radiuses when this game was first released? that is only a good change that makes the game more about shooting your gun, unlike splat 2. this proves they have clearly learned. they have also made a lot of good changes to new things they added, like buffing inkjet which was really weak in s2, cooler, which is their brand new support special and has made the game very cool (literally once pencil gets nerfed it is near perfect meta), making bubble easier to use against other special weapons instead of giving it like 6000 health and make it annoying to fight, or ink vac and zipcaster which are 2 extremely unique specials. they even changed missiles to actually be a special that encourages you to go in and fight once you use it, they have so clearly learned how to make healthy changes for the game. as for other things like shooter privilege, they kind of make sense sorta. splash dominated the game for a while, so they made other shooters that were being used, splattershot and nzap, better to compensate. sure, they should maybe shift their focus to other weapon types more often, but i think they are scared for drastic changes like that. maybe tri slosher meta in s2 left permanent scars or something. plus, they have been shifting their focus, at least a little bit. like how every roller got basically a damage range increase, or how both vdualies and dapples got dodge roll buffs, slosher got its fall off damage to be a guaranteed 2 shot, luna blaster got more consistent aoe damage, and they thankfully haven't buffed clash blaster because that weapon would be terrible for the game if it was good. sure, there are a lot of questionable decisions but it is likely experimenting or just the fear of drastic changes, but overall, they know what they are doing, i think they just need better opportunities to do them. (like a game they won't be rushing to finish)

now, a lot of new stuff they added that absolutely rocks. tableturf is amazing. the art for each different weapon is cool (rapid blaster is the best one), the game is actually really interesting, and they have clearly put a lot of though into how it should work. the new lobby is amazing. we finally get to practice while waiting for our next match. lockers are amazing. a really cool way for customization. the new city is way bigger and cooler. the new music has been really good too. squid rolling and squid surging are cool, but they don't do much. this is something i mentioned in my last post but it makes sense why they haven't changed it because if it was too good, that would be terrible, and it is a completely new thing so of course it won't be perfect. another point i made in the last post is that they are putting a lot more effort into the singleplayer stuff (someone cool in the replies on last post let me realize that is something nintendo is great at already so of course they will). this games story mode was amazing and side order looks like it will be too. since they have been working so hard on those two, it makes sense why the multiplayer stuff was a bit lacking. also, the new main weapons they added to this game are really cool. stamper is the coolest weapon in this game, splatanas in general being very unique. stringers are also unique, they are like semi aoe chargers and that is really cool. sure, some other main weapons that were added aren't that great, like nova, or pencil, but like all the other ones have been great. also, there are already so many in this game, they are going to mess up sometimes and again, they experiment.

i think it's clear why i didn't include all of this in my last post, it would have been way too long. but, no matter what, it is undeniable that this game is moving the series forward in a positive way. as long as these devs get the opportunity to use all the cool potential this series has in splatoon 4, it is going to be a phenomenal game.

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