Not only that, but it's already been nerfed before: You needed 180p to fully charge it when the game came out, but not you need 200p. It's been proven to be too strong during the first couple of months of play.
Even if your teammates don't use the Echolocator, you can still use it yourself to seek out a nearby player and splat them, and that alone makes the Echolocator useful. Me, I sometimes use it to see if someone has snuck past all of us, and if they did, I double back around or super-jump elsewhere to get rid of that person before they ink all of our side undetected. I've lost a few matches where someone snuck through and inked large amounts of our side, especially in stages like Port Mackerel and Moray Towers, and I know how important it is to know if an opponent is attempting to do that.