Inklette and Octa
Inkster Jr.
Hello there, Octa here. I'm signing in for Inklette today since she is the one who generally battles in competitive play. She would love to join a squad. Lets see... She has a Skype(she signed up today), a Kik, and a NNID. The time zone is EST meaning we most likely live in America. Her main weapons is either a Tri-Slosher, an Inkbrush, or a Mini Splatling. Her play style is usually rash, but she doesn't just charge in all willy-nilly. She does help when it's needed most in order to win. When she loses, she keeps most salt to herself. She's mostly available on the weekends because of school. Of course she has exceptions like breaks and when she is quite early to get home. Well, I hope you could consider her as a possible squad member and I bid you a splatastic day.
By the way: If you are interested, she'll post her contact whatever you guys want.~
By the way: If you are interested, she'll post her contact whatever you guys want.~