Maybe nobody ever watches this thread anymore, b-but i love this weapon so like to share some thoughts in case.
first thing that catches the eye is the point sensor, it pretty much is like a echo locator in grenade form, 'hitting' players with one has the same effect as using echo locator special and it extends to your whole team.
point sensors have a fairly low ink cost too.
the basic idea is to use point sensors to 'scan' a area and then using this knowledge to read your opponents and get the drop on them and avoid them doing the same to you, with the splattershots formidable range, this works very well (especially on short-range weapons) and your teammates benefit of it too.
but point sensors don't deal damage whatsoever so the gun while near-always be your way of dealing with opponents.
This lack of flexibility may proof disadvantageous once opponents get used to you, so watch out in the long run.
the special is the inkzooka, inkzooka + opponents hit with a point sensor can easilly prove destructive and the inkzooka is your ticket to damage very long-range weapons and teams of opponents.
yet, since the gun itself has very good range but its not so good ink paint rate, you may find yourself not using the special much.
the points sensor + inkzooka is very powerful yet also situational and may prefer to use the actual gun to assault enemy's rather then bursting out your special.
You can still do pretty awesome stuff though, but other specials fit a splattershot better imo.
all in one, its tricky yet a surprisingly good weapon minus the special could be more fitting.
ability suggestions because why not:

not the best ink painting ability so having less trouble with hitting enemy ink, especially in fights, is welcome.

because splattershots aren't the best ink efficient weapons.

helps to widen and having a easier time with scanning.

those are also nice to have depending on your play style.
that's all of my (hopeful helpful) thoughts.