Giving Weapons Second Chances

Mar 25, 2024
He/Him But Any Is Fine
Switch Friend Code
Hello. I've been thinking of something lately.

To my knowledge, there are 143 unique kits and thus, weapons within Splatoon 3. So many in fact that it'd take decades to get the 5 star badge on all of them, assuming we're generous and give you 20 days to get 400 Anarchy wins with each of them. It's likely that many a Splatoon player will probably never play all of them in a reasonable capacity, if at all. I certainly have my fair share of weapons that I've never touched due to lack of interest. Despite that though, I'm writing this as a message that if there's weapons that you look down upon, view unfairly, or probably think they suck, and have either never tried them or tried once and then never again, I do implore you to give them another shot.

So, my experience with the idea of giving weapons a second chance started when I wanted to learn the .52 Gal. I wanted to just pick up the kit, see how I could do with it, and see what all the rage about it was, seeing that many people see the weapon in a very unfavorable light. I took it to Crableg Capital clams, and I just started to enjoy myself with it, or at least I thought so. As I started going into more games with it, I began to notice that I seemed to play too passively with it. Nobody was dying but I also wasn't dying either. This feels wrong since you're a weapon that seems to want to kill people since you two shot everyone, yet I wasn't challenged by anyone if I threw up a Splash Wall. I more or less felt kinda ignored even if I was in mid poking people. There were times where I tried to spawn camp people but the .52 Gal decided it was not its day and I'd miss every shot, which I guess is the downside coming into play. Overall though, it felt rough. I couldn't really jump since that would screw over what little accuracy I had, and I wasn't exactly doing the greatest. For a weapon that has been constantly complained about being too easy and overpowered, I felt pretty bad. Surprisingly yes, there are players that can suck with the .52 Gal, and I am one of those people.

At the end of my little experiment, I left not satisfied with my own skill, but with a newfound appreciation for those who picked up the .52 Gal. There's so many amazing things that people can do with it and I recognize that it isn't in fact an easy weapon and that you really have to try hard to do well with it. Will the .52 Gal ever be seen in a favorable light by the community after its sins in Splatoon 2 and here? I wouldn't think so, but I can at least try saying hey, it's not as cracked as you think it is.

That was pretty rough there wasn't it? Sure wasn't the best experience giving a weapon a second chance, so while I was thinking of other things to play, I decided I wanted to give the Sloshing Machine another chance. It had been about a year or two since I tried using it (think Drizzle 2022 was the first and last time I touched it up to now), so the thing was basically a clean slate. Keep in mind that this weapon used to be a top tier, and that Nintendo didn't really like it being there so they struck it with the ink consumption nerf, the 220p, and most importantly, the 5 frame nerf, which when I picked it up then, made Machine feel terrible to use. There I was, basically wiped of the old Machine's tapping rhythm, and given this new thing that I could pick up and get acquainted with pretty quickly. I threw myself into some Tower Control, and to my surprise, the Sloshing Machine just clicked with me. Up to this point, I never had a staple AoE weapon that I would go to (I'd call the closest thing to one the Undercover Brella but even the shotgun nature being called AoE is a stretch lol) so having something that clicked this fast with me was cool; great even. The kit definitely doesn't disappoint either, as Fizzy Bomb felt like a great help to my ability to pressure people and Booyah Bomb is well, Booyah Bomb. Can't go wrong with it. While I definitely still have things to work on, like aim and whatnot, it's been a wonderful experience to have this weapon that I never knew I wanted come about on a whim when I wanted to just try something new outside of the "Play Snipewriter or Liter, then switch to Undercover Brella, or if you're feeling frisky try Splattershot Pro or Neo Sploosh, even the stringers will do" routine.

I don't think my love for the Sloshing Machine has ended quite yet. I'm considering making it a part of the main weapons I use, to add to another midline I could play for fun when I'm not feeling like having the longest range in the world or just being a rat. To the people that stuck with Machine this whole time, you've made this weapon proud. You may not be the go-to bucket for competitive stuff but you at least still give the world a run for its money, and that's all I could really ask of it.

So overall, what did I learn? Well for one, Machine is actually a fun weapon, but jokes aside, even if giving weapons second chances doesn't work out, having more knowledge about it and putting someone else's shoes on can open up so many ideas and maybe even remove some ideas that could be considered toxic. Even if I can't play the weapon, I still love the .52 Gal for what it is and what it has made for itself. I also love the Sloshing Machine because it gave me a new type of weapon that I never knew I wanted in my life. Someday, there might be more weapons that I try that give me a newfound appreciation for the well thought out mechanics of Splatoon 3. There's so much depth as to what goes on that summing it up without trying something yourself is in my opinion, criminal. Go out there, get out of your comfort zone with a weapon you wouldn't try, and just try and have fun with it. If it doesn't click, that's alright, but if it does, be thankful you discovered a new hidden gem.

So that's what I'm thinking about. Thanks for reading and I hope to see you all in whatever thoughts I have next.
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
I remember very early on in Splatoon 3 I decided that I didn't really care for the other sloshers outside of Machine.
I barely had any idea of what the meta was at the time so it was really just about how much better it felt to use over Slosher or Tri.
I would occasionally use both Tri kits later on since I didn't want to use Machine in Turf but I didn't give the whole slosher class a real, second chance until Machine Neo came out.
Now Slosher and nTri make up two of my four 5 star badges so things definitely worked out.
I think something similar could happen again with the entire blaster class which I definitely wouldn't mind.

I don't think my love for the Sloshing Machine has ended quite yet. I'm considering making it a part of the main weapons I use, to add to another midline I could play for fun when I'm not feeling like having the longest range in the world or just being a rat. To the people that stuck with Machine this whole time, you've made this weapon proud. You may not be the go-to bucket for competitive stuff but you at least still give the world a run for its money, and that's all I could really ask of it.
I hope you end up having a fun time with the weapon!
Despite how much the devs have tried to kill Machine the kit and main combined are still just really great and fun to use.

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