gun composition


Inkling Cadet
Sep 21, 2015
i honestly can't stand that many and i'm not saying all wins and loses can be predicted at the start due to the guns on the team. for me i'm a s player and the team that gets stuck with the swiffer, nzap, areospray and 2nd teir dual squelcher. Now don't get me wrong certain guns on certain maps at time can be successful but when i see the other team has these guns and i have more of a balanced team i win like 90 percent of the time. I just wish it wasn't this often predictable.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
...And? Is there a point you were trying to make or discuss? This just seems like a rant. Either way, variety isn't a bad thing, and with how the game's balanced anyone can choose to be a terror with a given weapon if they put in the effort. I'd sooner see less people bringing two of the exact same weapon to twin squads.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 21, 2015
there are many guns to choose from it's got nothing to do with that. It's just in high rank some guns are apples and oranges in comparison and it frustrating that the odds are your going to lose because the swiffer went 1 and 7. so ultimately if i have a swiffer on my team so be it but i want one on the other team also. I'd have no problem waiting in a longer que for this. Also of course i have no proof of this but for how bad those guns do in general i would have to imagine for them to stay in s rank, some of them gotta be save scumming. I know this game is in place how it is until the new one so since there will be no more changes i guess it is a rant.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
@chubbypickle I am a S rank new squiffer/ nzap user and I will say I have personally never save scummed a day in my life, and i stood in S+ for some time with this weapon as well, the problem isn't just comp. from experience usually the problem if people focusing on kill streaks rather than objective or turf coverage. I had terrible comps in the past and still won cause people were so busy with other things to note the obj.
Take note of what people on your team and enemy team are playing for example if you have a charger heavy team focus on securing flanks and coverage so chargers can setup and attack effectively, or vice versa.
I know you want to rant but if you can't change a game you have to change the way you go about playing it, figure out what your team needs and what your enemies are lacking then control what you can control and hope that it is enough to win the game.

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