Hear me out: recycle brella actually seems kinda good


Jan 30, 2024
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Im seeing a lot of people dismiss this thing right off the bat but after seeing gameplay, hear me out: i think it's gonna be pretty good.

At its core, this looks like a fusion between vbrella and tent. Its shield launches much more quickly than vbrella, like tent, but it also comes out quickly, like vbrella. it cant stall with shield quite like vbrella can, but it can still flare it to parry shots, since you still have about 1 second of shielding to work with. it seems to have around the same range and damage of tent (though without the close range 1 shot) and a fire rate a little slower than vbrella.

while the shield itself is pretty weak, the shield launch seems like a very strong option. it moves super fast and paints a pretty wide trail. it also comes back really quickly, to the point where you can basically have your shield back up by the time it breaks. the whole thing reminds me of the time in s2 when tent was buffed so it could cycle shield infinitely. (it might even be a reference to that, hence the name)

i feel like this thing would able to spam shield launches into an area better than tent can. id imagine sitting in one spot and spamming shield launches into enemy space would be really strong in neutral, using the fact that you could be swimming behind it to force them to at least pay attention to the shield you just launched. id imagine spamming it would get you a lot of free paint for special too. tent can do all of this as well but the shield is overall much more committal, taking a lot of resources to launch and leaving you pretty vulnerable. this weapon launches shield much faster with much less ink, and it seems like itd fare better in a fight when it doesnt have its shield up because of the long range (compared to vbrella), quick fire rate (compared to tent), and (seemingly) consistent damage.

the kit on the other hand... yikes. angle shooter is um. bad. lets talk about that.

its at least not a useless combo like on vpro, and the fact that its shield launch + kinda long range can probably get you in decently well means the lack of a bomb isnt a huge deal. if it deals enough damage for dart cancelling to be a 1 shot combo i can kinda see it being strong.

weve never had a 1 shot combo like this on a brella. having the option to deal just a little more damage very quickly before/after shooting is at least something vbrella would greatly appreciate right now. basically this could end up being an offbrand burst bomb, which i think actually works kinda well on this thing. most weapons want burst bomb for the consistent hitbox, which is why dart falls apart, since its not able to confirm damage consistently. brellas on the other hand draw out fights, so it can actually have time to aim the dart, especially if you need to finish someone off after shielding and you know your main won't quite do it. dart is.. still dart, though. its a significant downside to this weapon, even if you can find uses for it.

bubble, on the other hand, actually might be quite good on this thing! the main weakness of bubble is its hard to actually move forwards into a relevant spot to get it up without going down yourself. having a quick moving shield gets you a consistent way in to relevant areas as long as multiple people arent holding it at once, and by the time the bubble is out your shield will probably be back on your weapon. this adds to the previously mentioned threat of spamming shield into an area, its especially threatening when you have a bubble ready since theres always the chance you could be swimming behind it to pop a bubble in a strong spot.

in general i think this thing will wanna play for parts of the map where people are isolated, since while this thing seems like itd die to any 1v2 it also seems like it would be a nightmare to 1v1, combining vbrellas shield flaring with tents ratty shield launches, forcing the enemy team to put multiple people on it to actually get you out of an area, just like tent. unlike tent, it just doesnt always have to be tied to the shield launch, it can play like a vbrella too. it seems like it could threaten objective really well on something like zones, especially when it has bubble, which is where i think this kit would shine the best. it could also focus on launching shields to get teammates in as well.

i can imagine some problems, though, like the low shield hp and the fact that it launches and moves much faster than vbrella and tent respectively. the stats of the weapon might fall into some uncanny valley between the 2, being unable to stall with shield well in either way. the kit may also be a major problem, though it could definitely be worse.

overall, id imagine this weapon will, fittingly, land somewhere between sorella brella and sorella tent in terms of viability, at least if the concept of this hybrid even holds up. it doesnt seem like itd be amazing, but it definitely could have a niche. if it ends up getting a really strong sorella kit i can imagine this being a lot better. its hard to tell for sure right now but it seems like it might be the strongest main weapon in the brella class so far, maybe a bit behind tent depending on the exact numbers of the weapon. we'll have to see, though, the weapon might just.. fall apart once we actually get our hands on it. it is made out of recycled materials, after all.

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