How do you honestly feel about new players?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
May 10, 2015
So I just got a Switch and the game like 2 days ago and first thing I noticed was the matchmaking was seemed to be unbalanced. I get paired up with people that lvls 50+ higher than me and here I'm still learning at lvl 13 as of right now. So how do you feel about newer players getting matched up with you? Do you think they may hinder you? Or perhaps are you willing to let them learn if you're too skill for them? Or do you think they should of just left the room right away?

Hero of Lime

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 26, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I have no ill will towards new players, I hate to see them "tossed to the wolves" and put into lobbies they have no business in, because it sucks the fun out for them, and the other players in the lobby. The team with the new player will have a greater chance at losing, which is to be expected, but people aren't going to take an easier loss well, be they new or not.

Ideally, I would love to try and act as a model player around new ones, be they on my team or the other one. And I try to win even if the odds are against us. I want as many people playing this game as possible, the last thing I want to do is drive off new players by spawn camping them or splatting them 10 times in a match. This can be hard to achieve though. Say if I am pitted against an all 60+ team, and I have a level 5 on mine, I and my other experienced teammates will have a tougher time covering for the new player and allowing them a fair match. Very few players will ease back against a new player, and I can't blame them really.

Even more ideal would be if the game's matchmaking tried to find lower level lobbies for newer players. It may try, but understandably there isn't an influx of low level players in the game at the moment, and no doubt a good number of low levels may be alt accounts, meaning actual new players may not be safe from skilled ones no matter what. Multiplayer games are sadly not newbie friendly months after launch, and the player base for this game has only shrunk, and mostly experienced players are left playing regularly.


Look Behind You
Oct 3, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Watching my friend play, he gets matched up in far lower level lobbies than I do- I am consistently the highest level whenever I join him. I'd say, most of the time when you see low level players in a lobby, it's because they are playing with a friend who is much higher level. Plus, the game tends to be good at balancing out the teams, so inexperienced players contribute much less to a loss than would be expected


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Plus, the game tends to be good at balancing out the teams, so inexperienced players contribute much less to a loss than would be expected
HA! HA! HA! HA! That's a funny joke there, excellent delivery too. I totally don't get match after match after match where the newbies comprise my entire team...

The frustration goes both ways. Newbies get annoyed being destroyed by maniacs like Lime and myself, and we get frustrated when they're thrown to the wolves (there really is no better way to put it). Lime already said much of what I'd be saying. Unfortunately, I don't really have an off switch - I see an enemy and I shoot them without thinking. And it's hard to show mercy to newbies when few others will.

Also, there's the newbies that persist. I feel that if you stay in a lobby with players 50+ levels higher for more than 5 matches, you're perfectly okay with what's unfolding. I can admire that kind of perseverance.

In summary, I apologize to the newbies that cross my path, but if you hang around in my lobbies, well, we who are about to splat salute you ;)


Inkling Cadet
Aug 31, 2016
I don't have any issues with new players. If anything, I'm glad Splatoon is getting more attention and the switch already has made more sales than the ill-fated Wii U ever did.

The matchmaking in general could be better because I hate seeing lower levels getting paired with people 20+ levels higher than them and vice versa. I try not to get angry with them considering how there's nothing they can do under the circumstances.

I think it's better to have a more positive/patient outlook towards them rather than the "git gud" mentally that a lot of older players seem to have. This is ultimately a game and we shouldn't drive away players that just want to have fun regardless of their skill in battle.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
It sucks, and no matter what splatting them doesn't really feel right. It's probably just a kid on the other end trying his best to play videogames. Getting thrown into one spawncamp is awful, but then getting these losses over and over will probably do the trick of having them stop playing the game prematurely.
Let's hope ranked works out way better for them, where there is some degree of fair matchmaking involved (until you hit S+, that is!).

I know I've been hammering on this issue over and over, but Nintendo has to do something about this game's matchmaking. Getting thrown into elite lobbies will eventually scare off new players, even when there are plenty of new players waiting in lobbies already. People who then are intimidated by lvl90> lobbies will eventually stop playing, and that may lead to a drought of players in the future.

This is not some issue with the scarcity of players. This has been a problem since this game launched, kept being a problem past the rush of Christmas players, and i really wish something would have happened with it by now.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
May 10, 2015
I know I've been hammering on this issue over and over, but Nintendo has to do something about this game's matchmaking. Getting thrown into elite lobbies will eventually scare off new players, even when there are plenty of new players waiting in lobbies already. People who then are intimidated by lvl90> lobbies will eventually stop playing, and that may lead to a drought of players in the future.

This is not some issue with the scarcity of players. This has been a problem since this game launched, kept being a problem past the rush of Christmas players, and i really wish something would have happened with it by now.
Millions of Switches sold in months and yet after almost a year they still can't get it right.


Inkling Cadet
Sep 12, 2017
If I'm playing turf just to chill out, I don't mind running into newbies. I don't try to mess with them unless they start getting annoying. Then when the match is about over, I'll let one get a kill on me. Honestly if a newbie is in the lobby, I would rather him/her be on my team. Even if I'm more likely to lose, there's no chance for me to feel the guilt of bullying someone. Besides, isn't it cool to fight your hardest and let a new player taste victory?

As far as my thoughts on newbies in general goes, I kinda like 'em. They haven't interacted with the community much yet, so they have yet to pick up on some of the more....unsavory aspects of the Splatoon fanbase. No telling people they're throwing for using a certain weapon. They just use whatever they like. Alot of the time, losses don't get to 'em, because they haven't developed that nasty pride players gain when they play for a certain amount of time. I'm actually kind of envious.
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Pro Squid
Mar 12, 2016
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Switch Friend Code
New or not, you’re going to catch this ink.

This includes spawn-camping if applicable.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 25, 2018
Everyone has to start somewhere lol. I personally don't mind new players, mostly because I find them to be somewhat comically entertaining. It also kind of feels extra rewarding if your team pulls through with a win even if some of the new players were struggling.

This video is surprisingly accurate as well lol


Pro Squid
Jul 24, 2017
Only level 41 or 42 myself so I consider this to be low level still, so its not problem to me to have lower level players in my team.
It can be worse when the level difference to other players is greater.

This game could have two separate lobbies, one for every level players, one for low levels only (like 1-20). Might soften the harsh start for some people.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
May 10, 2015
This game could have two separate lobbies, one for every level players, one for low levels only (like 1-20). Might soften the harsh start for some people.
Pretty much this is needed. Marvel vs Capcom Infinite has a mode that's exactly what you described. I dunno what other games have this feature, but it's a feature that all multiplayer online games should have.

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
I enjoy playing with newbies when I'm chill-squidding

But the instant I try and be competitive
it wears down my cheerful demeanor quick smart, revealing the vast salty sea beneath (like when I try hard to make it onto the splatfest top 100 and playing with new squids turns into angry babysitter roleplay) =[

This video is surprisingly accurate as well lol
This video is silly, how could you catagorize the entire splatoon commu-
"Cancerous weapon lovers"
"HEJ MONIKA!" (played over carbon roller splat montage)

so this is what it feels like to get covered by a stereotype. . .

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Full Squid
Feb 17, 2018
Switch Friend Code
Well, quite often a low level player in my case ends up being a smurf or someone who's played the first game. Actual fresh newbies I don't mind at all, you have to play the game to learn it after all! As long as players are giving their best despite their skill level I'm happy to play with anyone.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 7, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I don't get annoyed with new players until an influx (like the one around Christmas) starts ruining League for me. There was about a month from mid-December to mid-January where Nintendo's amazing 2P League matchmaking kept throwing my pair with super new players against a team of all mid-level players. Now, let me tell you that I'm not the worst player in the world, but I'm not so good at this game that my league partner and I can carry two new players, both of whom are a guaranteed net negative, against a team of four decent players.

Let me be clear that, ultimately, I don't blame the new players at all. I blame matchmaking in totality. It just sucks to have your power level ripped to shreds because Nintendo keeps putting a pair of new players on your team. That before mentioned month was the least fun I ever had with Splatoon (both 1 and 2).

Now, that evened out over time (and changing League to worldwide matchmaking certainly helped in that), but that doesn't mean it isn't a problem Nintendo needs to fix.

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
Well, quite often a low level player in my case ends up being a smurf or someone who's played the first game. Actual fresh newbies I don't mind at all, you have to play the game to learn it after all! As long as players are giving their best despite their skill level I'm happy to play with anyone.
Pretty much this. Every one of us was a newbie at one point or another. The harsh truth of the matter is that we all start at the same place and the only way to move forward is to start carving a path for yourself. So I don't mind them being involved. I may complain when they are on my team, but the overall feeling is that if they are willing to stick it out to learn then more power to them!

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