How many people here are in teams?


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Almost sounds like some of the folks in this thread should get together, not necessarily in a group but certainly as squad and turf buddies :P


Inkling Cadet
Feb 11, 2015
QC. Canada
I did make my own team with a friend so I wouldn't be stuck in a position where I wouldn't really have people to be with, but I still managed to get booted out of that because some people in the group didn't really enjoy my presence.
Eh! At that point I'm thinking I'm better off just playing with the friends I made throught all that, I don't think I'll be stuck in a position where I'm all alone again with the new people I met! I'm not really sure if I want to go out to get an actually competitve team. Just have a good time with friends. My goal is to be with people I have fun with, and I think I'm good there for now.

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
I'll re-post

Because I joined a team! (as a sub)

However, keeping in touch with any of the team members has been... spotty, because they seem to use primarily Facebook (and I have almost no idea how group chatting and messaging work on the dang thing).
. . .
BUT since I've finally nerved up and joined one team, if I end up leaving this one =[,
I'll shoot straight into looking for a new team =p

Kowai Yume

Semi-Pro Squid
Jul 24, 2015
You know the team I got mad at? Well I told the captain and the rest that I'm gonna leave the team after 1) we barley played together and 2) when we do, we don't take it seriously enough. So after I jumped ship, the WHOLE TEAM disbanded. I'm kinda impressed with myself that I single-handedly disband an entire team from my salt. About a week later, I found a team for the US Open called "RIP Tide & Friends". I feel a lot more comfortable with those guys than I did with Rose since I played with some of their members beforehand and actually had fun to the point I joined RIP Tide full time as a backup.

Long story, short, give me teammates who are at my skill level and time, I won't be salty.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
You know the team I got mad at? Well I told the captain and the rest that I'm gonna leave the team after 1) we barley played together and 2) when we do, we don't take it seriously enough. So after I jumped ship, the WHOLE TEAM disbanded. I'm kinda impressed with myself that I single-handedly disband an entire team from my salt. About a week later, I found a team for the US Open called "RIP Tide & Friends". I feel a lot more comfortable with those guys than I did with Rose since I played with some of their members beforehand and actually had fun to the point I joined RIP Tide full time as a backup.

Long story, short, give me teammates who are at my skill level and time, I won't be salty.
So do you still yell at them when they outplay you, or have you worked on that?

Kowai Yume

Semi-Pro Squid
Jul 24, 2015
No, when we lost in top 32, I was disappointed with myself. I know them more than most, if not all, of Rose. You can as I_am_sare how I handled it. I sometimes play with her on her streams and she was on my team.


Senior Squid
Apr 14, 2015
I hate anything that involves conpetition. And I've been trying to avoid it as much as possible. But every part of my feels like it has to be better than everyone else, or at least better than another person to be good. Then I'll just hunger for more and more and drive myself insane from it. That's the reason I quit Miiverse, actually. I had a decent following around 900 when I forced myself to quit because it was driving me crazy. Sure, I spent 6 or so hours on a drawing for around 200-300 likes, but I kept noticing how my one friend would make drawings without about half the detail as mine and get around 600 likes. Also, all my friends had around 1500 followers, despite them probably not even have being there as long as me. And I became really angry about it, like, "I'm working hard, why doesn't anyone like me?" It was even worse dealing with users that had thousands upon thousands of followers who could post so much as a line doodle to get 800 likes. That made me wanna rip my hair out. I just got so amgry from it all, questioning why, despite my work being on part with everyone else's, why nobody noticed me. Little did I realize that that was why nobody liked me, because I was so cold and resentful of the elite and those who were better than me, even my friends.

That's not always been the case, but sometimes I feel so compelled by envy that it kind of becomes this relentless drive to not only better myself but also crush those above me to prove it and show the world that this failure kid has something in her and isn't just a bloke who eats lunch in the bathroom and hides her face from people in the hallways. I want to be liked. I think that's it overall. These folks on squads have people who adore them, so it only figures that I join a squad and do well, people will like me. But I'm just not good enough in any field, whether it be art or battle skills, to ever be something great. I would give up one completely to be legendary in the other, but I'm just stuck forever in the valley of mediocrity.
This is incredibly late, and this isn't just directed at you. It's directed to anybody who wants to play this game but feels like they aren't worth the time.

Nobody started out as a god, or even good, at these games. Even players like Hitzel, DUDE, etc. who dominated the early competitive scene have had practice in other shooters other than Splatoon. If you truly would like to become great at this game, I suggest mainly working on your own play before worrying about entering into top team play. However, that doesn't necessarily mean not joining a team, as joining a team can easily help you better yourself by teaching you crucial skills (like weapon synergies, special management and chaining, positioning relative to your team, etc.). It just means to worry about your own play before you worry about other people's. As you improve your own play through effort, then your team play will naturally improve until you get to the point where you've perfected your own play and decision-making, and only then should you worry about branching out into planned team coordination.

If you don't want to be the best though and would rather just play competitively for fun, then go right ahead! I'm not stopping you. Everybody enjoys the game differently, and that's perfectly fine. What I've said above is only if you wish to reach the top.

As for the topics on teams, I've been on a few. I was on Squidgeons and am currently on 101.5 "The Hammer" FM (a pickup). I'm also the co-captain of Altaira (which is on hiatus at the moment). Other teams I've played for, at least in part, were SquidKids and Two Moons (kinda). But DaBoss should know who I am q;


Senior Squid
Jun 7, 2017
I'm apparently a lone wolf. I mean, I enjoy playing with friends and other people, prefer it actually, but every time I've joined a group it died, exploded, or turned me off.
Thats rarely the fault of any individual.

When stuff like that happens, there is indeed a singular cause. But the decision to die off is unanimous (albeit from a domino effect). It just means a lack of initiative on a large majority of the group. Some people just don't understand that everyone contributes, you can't just hang around reaping the benefits.

Personally new to the game (in fact won't even touch it till splatoon 2 launch) but as ever I research it feverishly before I jump in. Long time guns of icarus player so I'm very use to playing with a team and in whatever role I'm needed. Whether as a leader (logistical nerd), team captain (tactical nerd), the ace or support but my most common role in guns was the trainer (all rounder that taught solid fundamentals and constantly picked up your slack that you won't notice until you get good).

I learned a long time ago that. Once you get to a certain level of play, communication gets more and more shorthand until you reach a point where trust and instinct go way beyond being told what to do. You're in a situation and instantly everyone knows what to do without being told. And that comes from hours of play and alot of peer to peer criticism.

So I feel, if you're in a group that has a habit of blame shifting. You won't get anywhere with them.


Senior Squid
Feb 16, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I am also someone who has never joined a team but would like to join one. But probably not until Splatoon 2 considering that my Wii U HDMI cord broke in March and have yet to replace it. Not a serious team, but a casual one. Mostly because
1. I rarely play Ranked because I get paranoid about my Rank so i'm usually busy in Turf Wars.
2. I'm in high school. I don't have the time to be an active competitive player. I might once I graduate in a couple years but at the moment I don't want to be a teammate who might drag the team down because I'm stuck in a classroom 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 180 days a year. Not to mention homework and any potential out-of-school work for yearbook.
Otherwise, I wouldn't mind being on a casual team. I think it'd be fun.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I am also someone who has never joined a team but would like to join one. But probably not until Splatoon 2 considering that my Wii U HDMI cord broke in March and have yet to replace it. Not a serious team, but a casual one. Mostly because
1. I rarely play Ranked because I get paranoid about my Rank so i'm usually busy in Turf Wars.
2. I'm in high school. I don't have the time to be an active competitive player. I might once I graduate in a couple years but at the moment I don't want to be a teammate who might drag the team down because I'm stuck in a classroom 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 180 days a year. Not to mention homework and any potential out-of-school work for yearbook.
Otherwise, I wouldn't mind being on a casual team. I think it'd be fun.
When you graduate you'll just swap school for work and/or college, so work on your time management skills now :P

Thats rarely the fault of any individual.

When stuff like that happens, there is indeed a singular cause. But the decision to die off is unanimous (albeit from a domino effect). It just means a lack of initiative on a large majority of the group. Some people just don't understand that everyone contributes, you can't just hang around reaping the benefits.

Personally new to the game (in fact won't even touch it till splatoon 2 launch) but as ever I research it feverishly before I jump in. Long time guns of icarus player so I'm very use to playing with a team and in whatever role I'm needed. Whether as a leader (logistical nerd), team captain (tactical nerd), the ace or support but my most common role in guns was the trainer (all rounder that taught solid fundamentals and constantly picked up your slack that you won't notice until you get good).

I learned a long time ago that. Once you get to a certain level of play, communication gets more and more shorthand until you reach a point where trust and instinct go way beyond being told what to do. You're in a situation and instantly everyone knows what to do without being told. And that comes from hours of play and alot of peer to peer criticism.

So I feel, if you're in a group that has a habit of blame shifting. You won't get anywhere with them.
Yeah, you're right. The groups I've been in have turned out negative due to the problems of many, though don't estimate the issues one particularly toxic person can create - if others can't handle them properly it can lead to the aforementioned domino effect. Haven't encountered that myself, but I've heard horror stories from my WOW-playing friend.

You'll find that Splatoon is more individualistic than the games you've played, most likely. Team cohesion and communication, be it practiced or instinctive, is still important but matches can be won by a skilled splat rampage or well-executed single play (Rainmaker, looking at you).


Senior Squid
Jun 7, 2017
That fine by me.

At its core its a team-based game but individuals can only get bogged down after a certain point. In guns of icarus it was baaaad. 1 person doesn't play as a team. You lose.

You either can't take as much damage in a 1 v 1 fight. Can't apply enough damage to win a fight, or if you're a crew you are helplessly watching your pilot fly the whole 4 man crew to their deaths despite the whole ship screaming to not do the thing that is clearly suicide(imagine that leadership in the military).

With this game I can play the game at a captain to captain level, where I'm talking tactics and maneuvers only. Since I won't have to min/max a crew while juggling the whole match (seriously being a captain-especially the best one in the team puts alot of pressure on you).

Worst feeling in the world is a carry so hard with noobs, that they're too dumb to realize their own flaws and shift the blame on the best player on not playing well enough. So yeah, I think my thankless experience in guns of icarus will definitely make me an asset in any team. Prolly a rare level-headed trait thats gonna often land me leadership roles (since no one else wants it or can actually do it), but first I gotta get good.

So like I did with guns I wanna start out as an understudy with a competent and experienced player.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
You're better off going it alone for a bit. I've heard people say squadding is a bit of a crutch, and I agree with that more than I used to. A single skilled player CAN carry a team to victory here, be it a rush with the rainmaker or some QR-stacking luna wiping the enemy team for a couple random examples. Learning ways to carry a random team will take you a long way.

Hero of Lime

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 26, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I've joined a few groups in the most casual and loosest sense. I would either leave after a while when I realized I did not want to dive too deep into competitive, or in the case of a special group, just became a group of close friends who did not continue a focus on Splatoon.

I've always preferred being a lone wolf online anyway, and I don't like the structure of playing in teams. I clawed my way to S+ and I was happy with that. Casual double squads I did dive into a lot which were a lot of fun, since they were still pretty casual. But who knows, I may end up joining a serious group for Splatoon 2, anything is possible. I would doubt that possibility now though.


Inkling Cadet
Community Ambassador
Nov 30, 2016
I've joined a few groups in the most casual and loosest sense. I would either leave after a while when I realized I did not want to dive too deep into competitive, or in the case of a special group, just became a group of close friends who did not continue a focus on Splatoon.

I've always preferred being a lone wolf online anyway, and I don't like the structure of playing in teams. I clawed my way to S+ and I was happy with that. Casual double squads I did dive into a lot which were a lot of fun, since they were still pretty casual. But who knows, I may end up joining a serious group for Splatoon 2, anything is possible. I would doubt that possibility now though.
Especially when games lose their luster, this is often the case. I used to play on this old Minecraft server for a very specific game. At one point I was invited to a Skype group, and even after the server removed the game, we stuck together and played hours upon hours of other games with each other. Some people just prefer the communal aspect to video games, and not the competitive aspect.

Then again, if you've never tried it then why not give it a shot? :p


Pro Squid
Jun 3, 2015
I'm in a team but don't mind playing with others [Free Agents] in squads at the moment just to get some more practice in. I'd like to play in tournaments but I'm not confident in my wifi connection. For the moment I'll Solo and squad with whoever is around in my team.
Last edited:


Senior Squid
Apr 14, 2015
You'll find that Splatoon is more individualistic than the games you've played, most likely. Team cohesion and communication, be it practiced or instinctive, is still important but matches can be won by a skilled splat rampage or well-executed single play (Rainmaker, looking at you).
That fine by me.

At its core its a team-based game but individuals can only get bogged down after a certain point. In guns of icarus it was baaaad. 1 person doesn't play as a team. You lose.

You either can't take as much damage in a 1 v 1 fight. Can't apply enough damage to win a fight, or if you're a crew you are helplessly watching your pilot fly the whole 4 man crew to their deaths despite the whole ship screaming to not do the thing that is clearly suicide(imagine that leadership in the military).

With this game I can play the game at a captain to captain level, where I'm talking tactics and maneuvers only. Since I won't have to min/max a crew while juggling the whole match (seriously being a captain-especially the best one in the team puts alot of pressure on you).

Worst feeling in the world is a carry so hard with noobs, that they're too dumb to realize their own flaws and shift the blame on the best player on not playing well enough. So yeah, I think my thankless experience in guns of icarus will definitely make me an asset in any team. Prolly a rare level-headed trait thats gonna often land me leadership roles (since no one else wants it or can actually do it), but first I gotta get good.

So like I did with guns I wanna start out as an understudy with a competent and experienced player.
You're better off going it alone for a bit. I've heard people say squadding is a bit of a crutch, and I agree with that more than I used to. A single skilled player CAN carry a team to victory here, be it a rush with the rainmaker or some QR-stacking luna wiping the enemy team for a couple random examples. Learning ways to carry a random team will take you a long way.
While I do agree with going into solo instead of squads being very good to learn, Splatoon is still very team-focused in the sense of picking 2v1s instead of always picking 1v1s or even 1v2s. Sure, good players can pick those 1v2s at lower ranks, and sometimes you need to clutch out a victory or else the push will die; however, these tactics don't work as well at higher ranks and knowing how to play off of your team is an individual skill, not a team skill.

That being said, that doesn't mean you don't have to know how to carry as well. Since there are less members on a team than other games, each teammate is more valuable. Being able to make solo plays is important in case you really need to make a solo play when a push is close to getting lead or if it's overtime, or even being able to make solo plays as your team acts as a distraction.

This post is prob rambling but it's the middle of the night here and I'm tired.

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