I always thought it should be called 'Squidron'


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016

Nintendo is my lifeblood and when Splatoon was announced at E3 2014, I was enthralled in anticipation - the primary thing that attracted me at the time was that it was a new Nintendo IP, less its genre, somewhat its style. In fact, I was totally uninitiated as regards shooters of any sort (first- or third-person), but was convinced that Splatoon could be my big start. So I kept a close watch on any updates on the game from the very start. Unfortunately, for the longest time, I lacked an actual Wii U, so I satisfied myself by watching gameplay on YouTube until receiving both console and game for my birthday last October.

After 16 months' waiting, the game did not disappoint me in the slightest, and I've been playing fervently ever since. My inexperience with shooting games meant that I had no idea of what I'd actually be capable; and, sure enough, to this day, I am totally and utterly incapable with Chargers or any shorter-range yet accurate (hence leaving little room for error) Shooters. I can barely hit a still target at point blank.

Over time, I decided that, rather than troubling to improve my abysmal direct aiming skills (as opposed to, ehm, parabolic aiming; my bomb-throwing is actually on-point much of the time) to start with (though I'll have to do that sooner or later so as further to improve), I'd stick to my favourite weapon class ever since its unveiling: Sloshers (all six weapons, not just the default). I adore them and work purely with them right now, and that's brought me, presently Level 46, to a shaky S Rank (comes down to A+ periodically but returns quickly).

A little more generally about me. My Favourite Thing is Pokémon (hence Reshiram avatar); Splatoon doesn't fall far from it but I can't break loyalty to my old favourite franchise. I live in the UK and am doing A-Levels this year, so probably shouldn't be playing as much Splatoon as I am... I'm not terribly worried about them, though. I'm applying to do Pure Maths at university and my offers effectively allow me to drop my worst subject, high grades in the others not being much of an issue (effectively already achieved them in mock exams).

So I wind up prioritising Splatoon practice over exam revision, rather. A concern is that I'll have limited to no access to a Wii U once I head off to university: that means that I aim to improve my Splatoon playing as much as I can in the coming six months. And partly to that end, and partly just because I lack anyone really to discuss and play with, I've sought out and joined Squidboards.

tl;dr I've 6 months to get good at Splatoon before university. Weapons: Tri-Slosher, Slosher, Sloshing Machine. Rank: A+/S.

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