I suck at clam blitz


Inkling Cadet
Jun 5, 2024
East Inkopolis bay
Female she/her
Any tips for clam blitz? I keep losing and I dont win these unless good teammates :(


Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Clams is my favorite mode but it took me a while to get there. I think the difficulty (once you've got the rules down since it is the most complex of the game modes) of Clam Blitz comes down to learning how to observe and understand the state of the game at any given moment. It's a more difficult to know when to go on defense vs offense as unlike the other modes there usually isn't a specific objective that is being controlled by one team or the other (other than when a basket is open).

A lot of people note that Clams is more dependant on team coordination than the other modes, and that's definitely true, but in a solo queue environment that means being able to observe the actions of your teammates as well as the opposing players, which kind falls under being able to understand the state of the game.

So I guess trying to practice this kind of thing (looking for flanks by someone trying to sneak in a power clam), looking at your map, looking at the HUD to see who is up, who has special, who has clams) etc, is helpful. I mean it's helpful in all game modes but think it's particularly so in Clams.

I would also suggest against being overly reliant on sneaking in power clams or even super jumping them in. Players get better at spotting these out as they improve and it can put you at a disadvantage if one person is constantly trying to sneak in only to get splatted, leaving the rest of the team at a numbers disadvantage. They can be a viable tactic and it's worth looking for good opportunities if they come up but they shouldn't be "the way you win clam blitz".

I'm pretty sure this is paraphrasing Squid School here but the way to win at Clams is the same as the way to win any other game mode, and that's by controlling space. Try to pick up clams but avoid making a super clam before you are ready to score (unless you are a backliner or something), and work to win team fights so your side can control the space around their basket so you can not only score but get a lot of points.

There are other more specific things of course (try not to pick up your pity clam unless there is a good chance you can score with it, or if not doing so would prevent a second one from spawning), but I would start there.
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