I think Splattercolor screen is cool actually.


Jan 30, 2024
I absolutely agree it needs more tweaks when it comes to players with hearing problems, as know the audio played is way too high pitched for many, my issue originally with it was how bright the monochrome was since my eyes are sensitive, but that is no longer an issue. As for why I think the special is cool is the fact that it function as both a smoke and a flashbang at the same time. The special is suppose to block vision for both teams like a smoke does in games like CSGO, or Valorant. But at the same time its risky to enter it as you take damage and get your vision impaired at the same time. I find the special pairs well with a lot of tracking subs and abilities. It makes it really unique to me. Unfortunately abilities like thermal ink aren't the greatest 😔


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
I don't have any physical issues with Screen but I feel like I have a harder time dealing with the visual effects now than before.
Not sure why but regardless, it's an interesting concept but it shouldn't have been added to the game the way it was and it still needs some changes.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
Switch Friend Code
Conceptually the special is really really cool. And the things it does for the weapons it's on is also really cool, primarily the way it enables more aggressive playstyles for weapons that would otherwise struggle to do so (sharker Flingza, midline Hydra)

But the accessibility issues are *baaaaaaad* and knock so many points off of the special. Like I dont get actual pain from it anymore, but plenty of my friends still do, mainly from the sound. I hope they fix the issues with it soon cause man. What I wouldn't give to main Custom Hydra. Actually a godly kit. 😔

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