In-depth Eggstra Work advice/tips to help you win! (feb 3 2024)


Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Here's some advice for this eggstra work shift! Starting with general advice, and then organized by weapon.
Please keep in mind that nobody knows everything, and if you have anything to add please do it respectfully in the thread. :3
I may add more advice as I come up with it.
Pool for people reading this: SBEW2324

Wave 1 - High tide
Wave 2 - Mudmouth, mid tide
Wave 3 - Low tide
Wave 4 - Tornado, low tide
Wave 5 - Mid tide

General Advice

You can choose your weapon before the round starts. You might not always get it due to queueing up with someone else that picked it, but it's important to know.

Please don't just sit there and wait for bosses spawn when waves start, make sure the ground is inked! Also avoid squid partying when waves end, Inking the ground is more important.

The same bosses and salmonids spawn every time, in the same spots, so keep that in mind.

If you die, make sure you hitthe up button on the D-Pad to ask for help. Your teammates can't revive you if they don't notice you're down!

Use your specials if it starts getting crowded! They can't be saved for later if you lose. Please avoid using specials on mudmouths, you don't need them and they're super important on wave 3.

Obviously, kill whatever is giving you the most trouble, but.. I keep seeing people ignore Stingers, Drizzlers, Flyfish, and Fishsticks on wave 3, and losing because of it. Make sure you're killing those! The red basket on a Flyfish targets all players, while the blue basket can only target one. Also, stingers always go for the player furthest away from them.

Slammin' Lids can be used to kill other bosses and lesser salmonids!

Keep the ground inked! Mobility is super important. If you're using a weapon with good ink spread, make sure your teammates can get around easily.

You should NOT be sacrificing yourself or sitting around in the same spot for eggs, there will be more. Make sure you're depositing eggs and killing bosses at the basket instead of camping eggs near the water.

Also, do NOT throw eggs into the basket if you're *right there*, please just swim over and deposit. I keep seeing people right next to the basket sit there and wait for their ink tanks to fill up enough to throw an egg, even though they would save a lot of time just going over there.

If someone has way less golden eggs but your team still did good, they were probably killing lesser salmonids or throwing eggs! It doesn't mean they're bad or that you shouldn't queue back up with them.

Weapon Advice

Dynamo Roller:

Spinning in circles protects you from most lesser salmonid damage.

You can steamroll right through Cohocks, and do insane damage to bosses, so use that to your advantage!

In Mudmouth waves, make sure you're going after Cohocks so the rest of your team doesn't get crowded instead of throwing bombs. Remember, you can one hit them by rolling over them.

You can also one hit Steelheads with a vertical fling, it doesn't have to be just the charger and blaster going for them. Horizontal flings can cover a Flipper-flopper ring in one swing!

With the Inkjet, you're able to hit Flyfish baskets and destroy them! The blast is also good for attacking Stingers and reviving teammates. Watch out, though, stingers can kill you while you're in the air.

Squiffer (NOT USELESS!):

Most people think the squiffer is useless in salmon run, but that's FALSE! If you stand in front of lined/grouped up salmonids, you can kill several at once, and keep cohocks under control during Mudmouth waves. This is very useful!

Obviously, target the Steelheads. You should also try to go after Drizzler pods, and it's not impossible to kill Fishsticks, ONLY IF no one else is going after them (they usually aren't in my experience)

Don't try to shoot Slammin' Lids while they're in the air! Knock them down or do something else until someone knocks them down.

Using the Kraken Royale, you're able to one shot uncovered Drizzlers and charged up Steelheads! It's also very good for reviving teammates in a pinch. Be careful, though, you'll still die if you fall in water.

S-BLAST '92:

Blasters are very good for taking down Stingers! Your range is great for taking down Steelheads, and you can also kill Fishsticks from on the ground.

Remember that shooting while in the air makes the shot closer to you, and shooting while on the ground makes the shot go further out.

This weapon is good for attacking groups of salmonids, since the blast can hit a lot at once!

Triple Inkstrike is good for crowd control, and can be used to kill those bosses out by the water that you can't reach. Please don't use it on Mudmouths, you need it more on wave 3 and 5.


You have great ink coverage, so make sure the ground is inked for your teammates.

This weapon is also pretty good for crowd control! But, if the roller and blaster are handling that already, please focus on bosses.

Killer Wail 5.1 is EXTREMELY USEFUL! It can be used to kill Stingers, Flyfish, Drizzlers.. As with the S-BLAST '92, please save your packets for wave 3 and 5, avoid using them on other waves.
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Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
i didn't see that there was a whole "guide" thing and i don't know how to delete a thread LOL

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