Inkopolis Mafia Crew is recruiting.


Jul 21, 2016
The Inkopolis Mafia Crew is searching for new, low ranked squids.
Our main goal here, is to aim for the high ranks, being able to outbest every single squid kid there is in Inkopolis, making sure we help our fellow squid or kids. If you're requiring some assistance on your low rank, tired of your teammates disconnecting, being afw (away from wii u), then you have come to the right clan.
Now, since that has been settled, we will be listing the requirements in order for you to be accepted into the clan.

-Have a reasonable schedule.
-Must wear a mask. (in-game, bandannas work as well. You'll only need to wear it during squads, you are free to use it whenever you wish when not squading with other members.)
-All ranks allowed. (rank brackets will be divided.)
-Put [IMS] infront of your name. (higher rank brackets and people who want to put it in their name. ((mid ranks)) )

For communication, I highly suggest you have discord installed, however, if there is a problem, add me on skype and I'll let you know what's gonna happen.
Tryouts aren't required for low ranks, people ranging from A- to S+ need to be tested, if there's a problem, PM me on discord or skype.

As for rank brackets, here we divide ranks, low ranks won't be required for a name tag, this ranges to C- to C+
For moderate ranks, same goes to you, except you have an option to whether have the name tag in or not. Ranges are to B- to A-
For higher ranks, you are absolutely required (unless there is a exception) to keep the name tag on. Ranges to A - S+, You will be given a different tag, which I will PM you about it.

If you are interested, please enter the application and send it to me.

For skype, pm me for it.

(At the moment, there's only me.)
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