Is Barnacle Still Lockout Heavy?

Rat L. Boy

Inkster Jr.
Mar 5, 2024
Is it just me, or does the new route in Barnacle do nothing to make the map less lockout heavy. I feel like almost every ranked game I’ve played since the change has been just as bad as before. One team seems to always just be bullied into their spawn, but maybe that’s just me. Has anyone had better experiences since the change?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
It's been a pretty similar experience for me as well and I think that has a lot to do with the left route only being accessible by dropping out of your base first, which is where the enemy team will be trying to hold anyway so in most situations you'll have to fight to even get access there.
The left route is also a one way drop that the enemy team can easily watch for anyone going down there and it does take a while to swim up the wall (I wish they added a ramp there).
It's still better though, but I don't think it's a huge difference from what it was before. At least they added an extra check on the tower path, it desperately needed it.

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