A very important announcement: This has been a thing before, where a team known as Monado Boiz intentionally DCs when they're in the middle of a match and losing, so that they can get a replay. Even though they can't get replays here, because there's no rules established for them, I personally feel that a situation like this is pretty serious, and that I should do whatever it takes to make sure this doesn't happen here. That's why I decree that they won't be permitted to take part of Turficane 2, because I want to make this tournament as fair as possible, so that teams that do want to play, can do so, as long it's righteous. Also, another reason this is done, because I don't want other teams to be influenced in intentionally DCing, so be sure to avoid being influenced by them, as that ain't the right way to play the game, otherwise you'll lose.
As for registration, 8 teams have entered so far, and more are expected eventually, so be sure to register if you haven't already, since the tournament is now less than 2 weeks away. Registration closes July 1st at the latest, but may close earlier, if the goal for teams that can register has been met. Scroll up to when you see the link to Challonge, because that's where you need to go to sign up. Thanks for reading, and I hope you be righteous.