Local Multiplayer ideas


Nov 16, 2015
Hi everybody,

I'm new to this boards and just wanted to say thanks for having me. Looking forward to chatting to you all at some point:)
I've only been playing Splatoon for around a month now. It's been a real blast and highly addictive due to it been such a fun experience, with smooth controls, great art style and content still been produced for free since May of this year. I'm in college and studying has been very difficult due to the "1 more game" factor of Splatoon. I've clocked in over 70 hours of gameplay and know deep down that this is only the tip of the iceberg because I will be playing this for years to come. I sit at a Level 33 and rank as A- (this can change quickly as I've had a run of bad games, I'm very much to blame for this)

I love my Wii U, just putting it out there but I've had so much fun with this console, it brings back memories of my SNES days as a child. Splatoon at this moment is my number 1 game for this gem of a console. I had Bayonetta 2 at top but when I got sucked into the world of Splatoon, her days were numbered. Other great games like Mario Kart 8, Smash 4 & DKC Tropical Freeze would fill up my top slots of titles for the console.

Now, I've 1 minor issue with Splatoon as no game is perfect. Where is the "real" local multiplayer? Dojo is not enough for friends to sit on the same couch, we would like to go out online and play together on the same console. I want to have more than 1 friend play at the same time. I've a few ideas for people to listen to and I send my apologies to anybody who has the same ideas and I'm not robbing your ideas as I've not read any thread on this boards.

2 gamepads support
I'm surprised Nintendo hasn't done it yet but I see Splatoon as the perfect fit for this kind of a system. Picture 2 people on a couch with a gamepad each playing Splatoon! Sound awesome right! I see a split screen on a television (vertical or horizontally) with 2 gamepads synched to the same console. Each person would be able to see the map and be able to super jump when needed (don't like doing this myself, as 9.5/10 times I get splatted) Each player would have the option to play with motion controls or play without motion controls. I know myself, I would fork out the money for another gamepad if this option would be available but even if a friend had a Wii U, they could just sync theirs to your console. I know there would be issues some where getting this to work but a man can dream.

4 player split screen
This pretty much speaks for itself but where is this option? I mean, I like having mates around and the game I want them to try out is Spaltoon! It would be awesome, if you could get a system where 4 people could play 2 v 2 matches or even just 4 players with different colours battling it out in a turf war formula. the hours would surely be lost in this mode and I would again fork out hard earned cash to play an option like this. Each player could just use pro controllers which would be a fair level for everybody as motion controls are fair superior in Splatoon fo precise aiming.

I would like to thank you for reading this thread and would like to hear your comments about any ideas you would like to see in Splatoon for local multiplayer action.

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