Lock N Splat Neo Needing New Dedicated Squids!


Full Squid
Jan 27, 2016
United States

Hey there everyone! We are a Splatoon group that has started to be a competitive team, but we are also always open to having fun! Squid Parties and HideN'Splat are always an option! We are focusing on working well as a team, using weapons that will compliment the team, and having a great time playing Splatoon! We are also working on using call-outs and communicating well.

- Be reliable! Please be active and wanting to always get better.
- Please be rank A- or above and be above/at level 30. There can be exceptions but the requirement still stands.
- You must be able to use voice chat with Skype and familiar with team communications during matches. (that way we improve our skills) (The team will probably be moving to Discord in the future.)
- You must be 15 or older. (Maturity is a must! If you are an exceptionally mature person we might make exceptions.)

How to join:
If you are interested in joining please Contact me here on Squidboard: http://squidboards.com/conversations/add?to=Chipsahoy
Please provide the following info
- Weapons of choice
- Level
- Rank
- Time zone
- Usual times you are available
- Reason why you want to apply
- Skype username
- If you have been in any past teams and your prior experience with them and what you think could have been done better
- What you are hoping to gain from this team

after that me and Light47 will see if you get to try-out. (No matter what, I will still reply to you.) Try-outs are flexible and can happen whenever you like!

Thank you and hope to see you soon! :3 <3

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