Long-time Player Looking to Join a Competitive Squad (and generally get better)


Dec 9, 2014
Hello There!

I've been playing Splatoon since day 1, but I've spent probably 90% of my time playing nothing but Turf War. Playing ranked modes without any sort of team coordination is especially difficult and that's why I'm here! I want to join a competitive squad and improve my play in the other game modes.

Some information about myself:
  • Level 50, A+ rank
  • Mostly play Dual Squelcher nowadays, though I initially started out as an Aerospray RG main.
  • My play style is very aggressive. I like to pressure the enemy and get a lot of kills.
  • I'm from the Midwest US, so I'm in the Central Time Zone (UTC+6).
  • I play pretty frequently. After 5pm Central on most weekdays. Whenever I'm available on the weekends.
  • Fun fact: I also play competitive DDR/ITG/PIU (dance games)
Contact Info:
Twitter: @POMF_Loak
Nintendo ID: POMF_Loak


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