Looking for a Casual/Semi-Serious Team


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
I stopped playing Splatoon for a while, but after all the E3 hype and the Invitational last night, I've started thinking more about getting back into the game. I have some friends who I play with, but they're all, for the most part, already active in other more serious squads. So they suggested I write a post here and see if anything comes from it, and maybe even try to start my own squad depending on what sort of response I get.

So like the title says, I'd like to find a group to casually squad with for the time being, until we're all comfortable enough with the game and with each other to get more serious. I'm also hoping to find people to make the transition into Splatoon 2 with; so it would be good if you already have a Switch, or are planning to buy one alongside the game on launch day or shortly thereafter. Besides that, I'm looking for a group of laidback people to bond with both in Splatoon and in general. I have a couple Steam games that I'd be willing to play, and any of the Switch games I'll be getting as they're released. I'm pretty shy at first so I won't be super talkative right away, but I'll warm up after a short while and then you won't be able to get me to shut up lol.

Now about me: I live on the U.S. East Coast (UTC -4 during Daylight Savings, -5 otherwise). Generally I'm available to play whenever, but I prefer playing in the evening after about 8pm or so. English is obviously my first language, but I do know Spanish as well (although it's rusty). I prefer to use shooters in-game, with the N-Zaps being my main weapons; I also use the Octoshot and the Splattershot Pros, and occasionally I'll use brushes. My friends tell me that I'm decent with Splat Bombs, if that's something you're looking for. As for Splatoon 2, that is yet to be decided... I'm currently an S-rank, but I think in terms of skill, because I am still rusty, I'd say I'm probably anywhere from a mid-A+ to a low S. I don't particularly care if you're around that skill level or not, but it would be nice to play with others around the same skill level as me. I solely use Discord to communicate.

For right now I'm going to see if anyone approaches me about potentially joining their squad; after a bit if I don't get any responses, I'll begin to consider creating my own squad. Hopefully something in this stands out to you!

EDIT: Forgot to put this. I'll be 25 in a little under a month, I'd prefer playing with people around my own age, but as long as you're over 18 I don't mind.
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Inkster Jr.
Jul 27, 2015
Your situation is similar to mine(give or take a few points). Been in two competitive teams already, then fell out of playing the game pretty hard. The announcement of Splatoon 2 and consequent showings of it have gotten me excited for the game all over again though and made me realise how much I just miss playing with a group. Coming back to the scene casually and working into competitive play suits me down to the ground. Haven't got a switch yet, but should be getting one with the launch of 2.

I'm GMT (4 or 5 hours ahead of you) so times might be a bit wack, but I've been able to work round it before, so shouldn't be too much of a problem. Normally play in the evening, but can also play other times. Shooters are my go-to (pros or squelchers), but do sometimes delve into blasters/rollers. Currently S rank, always floating around that low/mid point, so always looking to improve. Already on Discord, so ready to communicate whenever. Just turned 25, so that's another tick in a box.


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
I actually think I found a squad! But they're pretty cool and always looking for new people since it's a newer group. If you'd like I could send you a Discord invite, just shoot me a message if you wanna try it!


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Hey, glad to hear you found a group! Color me interested, since you've always seemed like a decent sort. Could you share a little information, please?


SOLDIER 1st Class
May 9, 2014
The intersection of Conch and Coral
Well they haven't decided on a name yet, but after I drew up a logo I think they're gonna go with the name Infinite. But yeah right now it's about 4 or 5 of us, they aren't planning on going competitive until Splatoon 2 for obvious reasons. And they also play other stuff I believe: Mario Kart 8 and Steam games for instance. At the moment they're not being too serious about tryouts (which is to say, there are none lol), but I think they'll probably do them in the near future.

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