Looking for a squad c:


Feb 19, 2016
Hiya, I'm Kaiya. I'm looking to join a semi-serious squad around my A+ level that I can play competitively in but also socialise and make friends ^-^

I main Tri-Slosher, Custom/Normal Splattershot Jr, Zink Mini Splatling, N-Zap '83, the new aerospray (can't remember its name) and I'm learning the new H-3, Heavy Splatling, carbon/krak-on roller and the inkbrush/octobrush. As is probably obvious with my mains, I prefer to have a support playstyle.

The weapons I'm worst against are any dynamo's, e-liters and luna blasters.

I am able to voice chat and have a decent mic (Blue Snowball), however I only use discord. Also, I live in the UK so it would be nice to join a team what has a similar timezone. I'm still in my GCSE period at school so I'll mostly be playing anywhere from 4 pm to 11 pm in the evening.

If you're wondering, I'm 15 if there's any problems. I'm fine with most ages over 13 for a squad but I would rather be with people older than me, as I get along with those easier.

Currently I'm A+. I'm still learning and improving, but I think I'm competent enough to be in a squad c:

I'm looking forward for replies, seeya <3


Jan 31, 2016
hi pretty sure ive replied before but i will again lol, my casual and comp squad are looking to recruit, i also have a discord chat server where you can meet new friends and squads. you are welcome to come hang out in splat chat and see if you like it.

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