Looking for a squad


Senior Squid
Sep 29, 2015
I've gotten fed up with randoms and since I hit S I decided I'd just stick to squad battles to play ranked modes. Problem is, I don't know a lot of people who are available to play when I am, and so I'm looking for some people I can reliably group with during the window of time I have to play.

NNID: Relados
Rank: S
Timezone: EDT (UTC -4)
Time available: Roughly, Saturdays from 8:00 p.m. to midnight and Sundays from afternoon to 7:00 p.m.
Region: Southeast US

I'm competent with a huge variety of weapons, my best few probably include the Splattershot Jr., the Aerospray MG, the Splatterscope, and the Neo Splash-o-matic. I'm working on improving with the .52 Gal, the Carbon Roller and Gold Dynamo Roller, and I can play a passable Tentatek Splattershot (but then again, who can't?).

College eats up my week, so I realize I don't have the time available to participate with a serious competitive squad - I'm just looking for a chance to get some ranked play in.

I don't own Skype, and can't use voice communication anyway because my Wii U is at home and my family won't appreciate me making that much noise throughout the day (they already gripe at me when I complain while playing).

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