Looking for fellow Aussie players


Full Squid
Mar 11, 2016
'Straya, Mate
Hey everyone. So I have literally no friends who play Splatoon. I've asked, and conversations have been awkward. So I decided to come here to try to see if I could find anyone. Don't get me wrong, it's really easy to find others while playing, but timezones and no real form of communication make it really difficult to arrange matches. Short summary of me, I'm at A rank and am relatively competitive when it comes to matches. My timezone is +10GMT. If anyone wants to play 1v1 ranked, and lives in Aus, leave a reply or contact me on Skype at jacquie.gordonds5 or Discord at Shard#7453 and we'll try to arrange something. Also, please keep in mind that I'm a student, so weekdays will be free from around 4pm.
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