Looking to make a squad


Jun 18, 2016
Hi, thanks for reading this first of all.I'm looking to start a competitive squad that can participate in scrims and tournaments.As such we need to communicate with each other.I don't mind if you have been in a squad or not as long as you are will to learn call outs and be able to practice.It's fine if you don't know call outs.We will go over them until you get them or at least some of them
.I understand if you work and go to school because I do both.I think at least 5 members should be enough.One of the important things I want is maturity.At least be 18 years old.I would prefer at least S rank, but I can make a exception for someone, but I'm a S+ player, which means when we practice,we are likely to get at least S players.If your below S and we lose,your rank will go down.Communication is key so Skype or Discord is a must.I prefer players who live in Canada and US so timezone won't be a issue.If you want to join I will need
Time zone:
Weapon(s) main:

If there is enough people interested in jpining,we will discuss the details about practicing times team comp etc.Reply or pm me if interested.Have a nice day.

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