Inkster Jr.
NNID: ZootFluteRiot
IGN: Susie (But will change to Splatfest Theme + Butt during the week of Splatfest... because I'm mature).
Current Rank: - A. (Used to be S, but matches are awful).
Weapons of Choice: Aerospray RG, NZAP '89, and Splash-o-Matic.
I am a North American Squid looking to join a squad, or put one together. I mostly play splatzones, but lately getting paired up with three chargers has been nothing short of frustrating. I am looking to squad up over Skype... but I have the mouth of a sailor. Just a warning. You can add me on Skype (NatGeoDiver) and add my NNID.
IGN: Susie (But will change to Splatfest Theme + Butt during the week of Splatfest... because I'm mature).
Current Rank: - A. (Used to be S, but matches are awful).
Weapons of Choice: Aerospray RG, NZAP '89, and Splash-o-Matic.
I am a North American Squid looking to join a squad, or put one together. I mostly play splatzones, but lately getting paired up with three chargers has been nothing short of frustrating. I am looking to squad up over Skype... but I have the mouth of a sailor. Just a warning. You can add me on Skype (NatGeoDiver) and add my NNID.