Moshpits: A Battle Dojo Do-Over (Gamemode Concept)


Full Squid
Oct 16, 2020
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An offline/online battle mode, located as a separate shop like Tableturf & Battle Dojo. This mode is primarily a spin on laser tag.


-Each player will wear a vest. (hero mode armor) Vests allow players to intake more damage than usual. Both teams have objective meters of HP. The goal of Moshpits is for players to lower the opposing team's HP meter (ink opponents & destroy their vests)

Rules & Gameplay:

-Players will carry the same weapon into battle, showing equal starts. (Starting weapon would be a Splattershot or Splattershot JR)

-Gear, although can still be worn, will NOT gain any advantages. (gear abilities are disabled) Instead, there are various abilities that a player can pick up around a stage in various amounts of AP. Ability durations will last around 10-15 seconds.

-There are special weapons placed in specific positions of a stage, protected by zapfish pods. (use special cans from hero mode)

-There are sub weapons scattered around a stage, which will be one time use. (can only pick up one at a time as well)

-There are select main weapons laid out around a stage with limited ink. The amount of ink for these weapons won't necessarily be a whole tank, but just enough to give players a chance of lowering a team's HP meter. EX: one full charge with a splat charger.

Stage Identity & Interactions:

-Moshpit stages could be exclusive, (kelp dome, port mackerel, toad's factory) or taken from the game's existing rotation.

-Story assets could spice up gameplay. EX: Balloons with ink filled in them could speeden up traversal, or serve as a means of landing large amounts of ink at an opponent, increasing the chance of breaking a player’s vest. Targets that rotate, fold out, hide platforms, etc.

Overall, the devs can really get creative with the sandbox, allowing multiple different ways of attacking and approaching within the Moshpit gameplay. And, given the resources, players could figure out how to deplete their opponent's objective meter quickly to win.

Moshpit Variations:

Boss Battles:
Players are pitted up against AI in boss fight esq matches. There could be rewards for defeating the more difficult bosses. This would be a mode for players to go away from PVP, as well as a tutorial for anyone to learn Moshpit gameplay.

PVP: HP will decrease from each team's objective meter as players inflict ink on each-other. Whichever team has the most HP remaining from their objective meter wins. A KO occurs when one team's objective meter has fully depleted.

Free For All: Players have a ginormous ink tank as their objective meter. (inkometer) Inkometers drain as players fire starting weapons, use any sub, special, or main weapons picked up in a stage, and inflict ink on opposing players. Whichever player has the most ink left in their inkometer wins.
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