My current Journeys with Stamper

Birb the Bird

Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
So I picked up Stamper around 1 year and 3 months ago and learning it is a rollercoaster.
While progressing with it has started out rather quick it went down rather fast after I learned the basics. Most of the time since that point I spent improving my consistency. That is also in my opinion the hardest part of it. It has so many options that you have to know what do do at what moment. So that's why during summer I stagnated, since that is the time QR builds died off and so being able to play consistently became important. So since September of last year I spend my time grinding Stamper until I am consistent with it. And here I am now, still slightly inconsistent but no longer as much as I used to.
Stamper has become my favourite weapon and I'll recommend it to anyone willing to learn it.
So what are any of your Journeys with your favourite weapons.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
BC, Canada
Back in Splat2, one of my mains was the mini. I had tried a lot of weapons at this point, and I liked splatlings but the rest played too heavy and slow for my liking.

When I found out Naut had a charge hold, I picked it up instantly near the final Splatfest and I loved it, despite being constantly outplayed by kshots running full MPU builds 😔

still didn't play it as often as my mains because missiles and stingray were just that good. when splat3 rolled over it got rain rather than baller and I knew it was exactly what it needed to play better.

sometime after the first season and during a week long break from the game, I had a dream about playing splatoon in real life. for some reason I was assigned a heavy splatling to play and I remember being really upset they didn't give me my Nautilus 😭 I might have even cried in frustration.

I woke up so confused lmao and at least confident that yeah I think I know what I like playing the most in this game so far. and it just kept getting buffs after that 💯🔥

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