My Game Game Mode Ideas


Mar 1, 2017
Hello, im Octavio, and this is my first post (after the Welcome one.)
Splatwo is coming but ill maybe never get the switch nor Splatwo.
I came with lots of Gamemodes ideas.

of Splatting each other.
When you die, you die.

Catch That Zapfish!
Its clearly like an capture the flag
but with Zapfish.

Team DeathMatch
...You already know.

Free For Turf
Free for All
Game based on Turf Wars.

Spla - Paint
One Inkling is the judge
and all the others have an paiting board
to do art.
the judge decides who wins.

Coop Story
Now this haves 2 ways:
Creating your own story (maybe not?)
Coop in Octo Valley.

Octoling Rampage
4 Players try to defeat waves
of Octolings in an area, each inkling
haves 3 lives.

Squid Chairs
Its basically
Musical Chairs.

Judd Says
Simon Says,
but Simon
is Judd.

Remix - Splat
Basically like the dancing

Cops & Squids

Basically an Cop & Robbers

Krak'o Turf

Turf war riding on Krakens.
Two players are Krakens (on one team)
and the other two are the Inklings

Inkling's Race

Basically like Squid Race,
but with Inklings.

(||Before we go to the last one, those gamemodes can be done just messing around in battles:||)
(||thanks to @epicRedHot for making that bout, i actually forgot about that. ||)

Them all Togheter!
Basically everyone
haves the same weapon.

Kraken Run
Basically run from an kraken
for 3 minutes.

Guess The Superjump!
Its an game where you Superjump to
3 areas, iff you superjump to the
destroyed one, you loose.

Squid Racer
Splatoon races with squids.
Two sides with paint all over the ground.
You cant turn onto kid. (or else disqualified.)

Sub Barrage
You can only use subs,
and Specials.

Hide & Seek
Hiders hide,
Seekers seek.

And now the last one is...

An group of 8 Inklings
with 3 lives,
fights against all of the bosses,
iff they come with a full house,
(no Inkling loosing 3 lives...)
They will have an bonus with
Octoling rampage on the final
Boss battle. (Surprisingly me and the final boss of the last game have the same name '~')

Hope you all liked it.
Its great to share other content to fellow Squids!
will hear us and make this happen.

This was Octavio, i hope you liked this post. Goodbye!
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Feb 23, 2017
Just so you know, a good amount of these can be done with just messing around in private battles, like hide and seek, squid racer, elimination, them all together, sub barrage, and at least one other.
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Inkling Cadet
Mar 8, 2017
I don't really like the idea of having 1 live and then perma-death, since with some weapons you naturally going to get splatted more then others.

though, i would love having team vs AI, and free-for-all modes.
i doubt nintendo ill ad any other game modes in your idea's in splatoon 2.
They are interesting though, especially the ride kraken one.

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