Fountain Pen: A melee weapon option in the vein of the Brushes, with even more emphasis on melee attacks. Has a narrower attack wedge, but is a definite 2HKO weapon. 'Rolling' speed is marginally better than the Inkbrush, but the inkline left is narrower. Leaves a large secondary ink splotch when shaken, you know how these things leak!
Charger Bow: A moderately powerful bow that shoots ink arrows with a small amount of splash damage. Always does fixed damage, but when charged gives you greater control over the range and the arcing angle. The ink 'arrows' have a very visible trail when fired. Hits-to-Splat varies depending on the type of bow represented (Shortbows require more hits-to-splat but have lots of short-midrange superiority and relatively quick charging time, Longbows may be OHKO but have a longer charge time and leave you vunerable while taking aim). Ink arrows have slower projectile velocity than Charger ink-bullets.
K-Derringer: A bizarre two-stage weapon that resembles a pistol. The first time you fire, it creates a K-ball/balloon of ink that you can push around (cue Katamari on the Rocks), and yes it gets bigger the more you roll up enemy ink. The second time you fire, if you shoot the ink ball it POPS and splashes the surrounding area in ink. The damage scales up to OHKO range, but it may take a while to build the K-ball up to that level. If neglected or you got splatted, the K-ball of ink will explode in your colour after a few seconds, or before you can respawn.
T-Snapper: It's a bath towel, the most useful traveller's tool in the galaxy. Snapping it out with a melee swing causes it to fling a spray of ink outwards, with lots of knockback. Can be snapped repeatedly. Has little horizontal spread, but can reach forward a deceptive distance with the spray (which scales down to a 3HKO at maximum range). If you hit someone with the towel itself mid-snap (incredibly short range and attack frame window), it's a OHKO.
W&A (Wrist-and-Ankle) Aerobursts: A set of Ink spray weapons worn on the wrists and ankles. Has its own unique Sub and Special. The wrist-blasters behave somewhat like the Splattershot JR/Aerosprays as shooters, while the ankle-blasters are used for the sub and special. Subweapon: Kick Wave - produces a large wave of ink that travels a short distance before dissipating, stopping all enemy fire that impacts the wave. Is a 2HKO that does 60 damage.Special: Super Stomp - A powerful burst of ink that basically gives you a free Super Jump to within a certain distance from where you activate it. If you land on an enemy, or at least close enough for the inksplosion that happens when you land after activating this Special to engulf them, it's a OHKO.