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Just as a tip, you might want to specify what your forms of communication are going to be, your goals for your squad, etc. Just take a look at some other squad threads to see what I'm talking about. Just some general info that people should know.
We will be playing mostly everyday. Anyone can join. Will only be able to participate in online tournament if we participate in any at all. Will have random practice dates or private battles to setup on roles. Can meet on www.xat.com/nintentopia or https://discordapp.com/channels/132256431276687360/132258206666719233 Currently have no sponsors. For some people who CANT get out because their to young or don't have money or material to do so.
Fam, you didn't post the right discord link. You copied the web browser URL instead of an instant invite. Bro, if you wanna take this seriously, download the raw discord and HIT US UP WITH THAT INSTANT INVITE.