Octo-Salmonid connection deeper than we think?


Jul 13, 2018
Heyo. Made this account to post this, which is why I just joined today.
Note: possible spoilers for Octo Expansion, I'm not really sure since it's not related to the story, but it does give away some stuff if you understand it, so I suppose I'll just put this here, not spoiler those, and spoiler the bigger stuff.

So, recently I was just scrolling through Insta. Pretty basic, just looking through my feed, when I saw something- a post showing screenshots from when you first go to Grizzco, and
when you're talking to Denwa right before choosing the last "yes" to ascend to the promised land.
Both say something along the lines of "Are you ready to be apart of something bigger than yourself?" I found this pretty interesting, so I sent it to my other spa2n friends. One of them did some investigating of their own, and found a detail in the salmon run guide- apparently, the Octolings shared their gear with the Salmonids. It seems pretty weird that, not only do they say similar lines possibly pointing to a connected goal, but that one of them is helping the other. Plus, when the Salmon Run gear was datamined, the original Octo outfit was found as a set of rewards. There's only one real way he could get them, and that's from the source.

This is where possible DLC comes in, though it's kinda unlikely. Just seems like it'd make sense to me. Feel free to ignore. The last DLC, I predict, will have Mr. Grizz sending you out on his biggest mission yet- one that involves the Squidbeak Splatoon. DJ Octavio has been planning this for a while now. Providing weapons to the Salmonids.. Perhaps even offering Octolings as test subjects to those mysterious labs in the deep sea subway? Who knows. But, whatever happens, chances are you're going to have to deal with all three of the most dangerous threats possible at once- Salmonids, Octolings, and their sanitized counterparts. They're the perfect allies- one has super advanced tech, and the other has the advantage of being able to go into water unharmed. I also predict a betrayal. I'll give you a hint to who I think it might be: chances are, if they talk though a radio, and refuse to show themselves, they're not trustworthy. Why else would he have the original Octoling outfit? For all we know, whenever he sends you on a job, he could be trying to take you out. The base song is called "Deluge Dirge" after all, a dirge being a song played at a funeral. The band, w-3, is saying that "hey, you're gunna get splatted." Which brings up another good thing: why are the Salmonids making music for the inklings to listen to? They clearly aren't just for themselves, since you can get a t-shirt with them on it.

That's about it so far. Any new things I find to further prove a deeper connection between the octos and the salmon bois I'll edit in here. Sorry if it's a bit messy, I finished things, then added stuff when I thought of it while writing this. Also sorry for grammer mistakes, it's 5:00 AM.

Hiro Protagonest

Full Squid
Jul 31, 2018
One of the dev interviews had a question about Mr. Grizz watching the action, and the reply was "who said he was watching? Is it not just a synthetic voice?" Synthetic voice...

I think you're overthinking it with Omega-3 though.

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