Questions/Concerns about the game so far


Apr 27, 2015
So while I was playing today I couldn't help but notice a few issues I've been having with the game lately. I don't know if it's just me, or if anybody else has seen and/or dealt with some of these themselves.
  • Rollers feel broken
Let's get the first issue out of the way. They're strong, you can use at a distance, the kraken is really useful, plus they're easy to pick up and use. I don't see any downsides to them. They just feel too good. One match I swam up a wall and still got flattened even though I was way out of reach. Maybe not OP kind of good, but good enough to think "Why pick any other weapon?"

  • Ink mines are seemingly useless
Maybe I'm just using them wrong, but everybody seems to be able to waltz right over them. Can someone who uses ink mines tell me what they do? Maybe I can learn to use them properly from someone else

  • Back splat
This is by far the weirdest. I've noticed that a lot of times I get splatted from the enemies back? Like, they're not even facing me but I still take enough damage to die. This is the one I'm most curious about because I'm quite frankly clueless as to why this happens.

Also please note, this post isn't to be rude or anything. I'm just curious to see if anybody else has noticed these or if I'm going crazy.
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Apr 27, 2015
I personally don't pick the roller either for basically the same reason. Albeit, I do use the Aerospray despite there being plenty of those online. It just fits my play style more.


Semi-Pro Squid
Jun 2, 2015
Ink mines take a second to go off. I just unlocked the aerospray yesterday, and have played two games with it. So far I've had about 6 ink mine kills?
I just place them in doors / narrow chokes and it seems to work out nicely.


Inkling Commander
Jun 4, 2015
Ink mines take a little while to go off, so when someone rushes over them at full speed, he probably won't get hit. From my experience the best spots to place them is in front or on top of climbable walls where everyone tends to stop for a little moment.

The thing you describe as back splat is most likely lag related. Hits are counted "shooter-side", so he might have been facing you on his screen. It's annoying, but a non-shooter-side hit-detection would probably break the game, so it's the best Nintendo could do.


Inkling Commander
Jun 19, 2015
I think rollers only seem broken to me when I encounter a really good roller. When I play roller, regardless of whether or not I use tactics I have seen other rollers use, I always lose. I think the only real way a roller can dominate a game is with superior turf control.


Jun 22, 2015
I think rollers only seem broken to me when I encounter a really good roller. When I play roller, regardless of whether or not I use tactics I have seen other rollers use, I always lose. I think the only real way a roller can dominate a game is with superior turf control.
I've had pretty much the same experience with rollers. I always just get carried away with rolling and forget that there's people shooting at me though :3


Inkster Jr.
Jan 23, 2014
For me, Rollers are not broken, they have their strength and weaknesses. Maps with close quarters are the best for them, but the maps with a lot of open area, rollers will struggle.

Ink Mines, just theMH stated, it's all about placement where they cannot react fast enough. It's good for choke points or on top of cliff areas. Just like a lot of things, they are not perfect, but can be useful on where they are, especially if you distract the person and they cannot react.

Yeah lag ... I've had plenty of those where I get splatted by someone not looking at me ... especially worse when I unleash a full load of ink and then I suddenly get splatted even though they are not looking at me. I've had lag where I splatted a person, walked away for 3 seconds and then I splat by the same person I just splatted! Not from delay of ink, but of lag! Arg!


Inkling Commander
Jun 19, 2015
Rollers are insanely safe if they have a good amount of turf to lurk in. That might be the only thing that I think is unbalanced about them.

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