Random splatoon fanfic I made a few years back


Senior Squid
Jul 30, 2024
Inside Nintendo's walls
Switch Friend Code
I got no clue what I was cooking here… but uhh, here it is I guess. Might make it longer at some point (and like… make it a actual fleshed out story)

This is it. After a good 3 hour train ride from my home town, I finally saw it... Inkopolis. I've always read about it in magazines or seen pictures of it, bit this was the first time I saw it in person... It was unbelievable. The amount of high rise buildings, colourful billboards left and right. I couldn't wait.
I finally got my acceptance letter into Inkblot, my parents where so proud. I'm the first in my family to live in Inkopolis... it was kinda unnerving. As the train screeched to a halt, I promptly got my luggage and headed out. It was quite a push and shove getting out of the door, Inklings, Octolings and Jellyfish alike running for the door, not wanting to be late for whatever they were doing. "Oh! oh oh oh oh!!! There he is!!" I heard someone shout. Looking at the general direction it came from, I saw 2 Inklings and a quite bored Octoling. One, was holding a sign saying "New student". She was definitely excited, a bit of jumpiness as she ran towards me. "Marla, hold up!!! He could be anyone!!!" the other Inkling was starting to give chase. He was definitely less excited and more worried about how the other people where reacting to this random girl coming out of nowhere. Meanwhile, the Octoling remained leaning against the wall, not being bothered by the rests antics. "Hi hi hi! You must be the new student! Hi I'm Marlet! Hi? HI!" she talked faster than a bullet train. "Excuse me sir, sorry for my friend here, she's just very excited." the other Inkling interrupted. "We're looking for the new Inkblot Academy of fine arts student, you're not him by any chance, are you?" he inquired. "Uh, yes... I am... how'd you...". " your clothes, hairstyle and general look on your face... that and I know everyone!" Marlin quickly interrupted. I know my fashion sense was bad... but not that bad right? I was wearing a hodie with a formal checkered shirt underneath. My jeans were a bit ripped, bit that was still in... right? Marlin herself was wearing a dark purple crop top with skinny jeans and the other guy was still in his school uniform. "Okay great, so you're aware of the Inkblot roommate system, correct?" He pulled out a clip board from nowhere, beginning to check some boxes as I awnsered, "n-ye-nope... not all, what's your name again?". "Okay, I'll explain it, yes? Yes. Okay so basically Inkblot provides accommodation for..." ."It's Derek" Marlet whispered. "And that Octoling over there is Shane.". At least I now know these people, I thought. "...meaning roommates of 4 are required to live together if they want this free accommodation." Derek continued. "We're the only group still available, so you really don’t have a choice.”

Tadaa, thats all i have… (thanks for reading!)

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