Splatoon 2 Rank X


Full Squid
Aug 18, 2017
Does I have a few questions about rank X. First how are the points which are added or subtracted upon a win or loss respectively calculated? Has the formula been datamined or inferred? I have watched some streams and pretty much uniformly a win would net you between 3 and 12 points while a loss could lose you 30+ points (sometimes it was less but it was always more than a win gets). I watched one guy win a game and get 3 pts and then lose two games which netted him a -30 and a -32 so that he lost 62 points just in those two matches. Maybe this is just at the higher echelons because the people I watched were like in the 2400+ range. What is it like in the 2000 range?

By the way I'm not suggesting there's anything wrong with a harsher ranking system. Just wondering how it works. Makes sense that you would have to win more than 50% to maintain your rank X ranking.

My other question is does anyone know any streamer who's in say the top 10 or 20?

I'm still in S+ so I haven't experienced X yet so I'm just curious. I do hope to get to rank X eventually although to be honest I can see that i have a long way to go to be ready for it.


Inkling Commander
Aug 28, 2017
Does I have a few questions about rank X. First how are the points which are added or subtracted upon a win or loss respectively calculated? Has the formula been datamined or inferred? I have watched some streams and pretty much uniformly a win would net you between 3 and 12 points while a loss could lose you 30+ points (sometimes it was less but it was always more than a win gets). I watched one guy win a game and get 3 pts and then lose two games which netted him a -30 and a -32 so that he lost 62 points just in those two matches. Maybe this is just at the higher echelons because the people I watched were like in the 2400+ range. What is it like in the 2000 range?

By the way I'm not suggesting there's anything wrong with a harsher ranking system. Just wondering how it works. Makes sense that you would have to win more than 50% to maintain your rank X ranking.

My other question is does anyone know any streamer who's in say the top 10 or 20?

I'm still in S+ so I haven't experienced X yet so I'm just curious. I do hope to get to rank X eventually although to be honest I can see that i have a long way to go to be ready for it.
The amount you win or lose is based off of your team's power level relative to the enemy team's power level, with your own personal power level held in mind. Since a lot of popular streamers are up in the 2400-2700 range, pretty much everyone they face has a much lower powel level than them. This means if they win - it's expected and they don't gain a ton of points. However, if they lose to those players with the lower power level, they'll get punished quite a bit. It's less harsh in the lower range of X around 2000-2100 where a win might get you 30-60 since most players are a higher power level than you, or at your level. This is just my theory - I'm sure there are things that might not be entirely true but I think this is the basis of how it works. As for streamers who stay in the top ranks: pkfuzzy would be the most popular choice who streams most often.

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