Restructuring Challenges


Senior Squid
Oct 16, 2020
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General Premise:

-There will be two different playlists of Challenges, similarly to how there are two separate playlists within Anarchy Battles. (Anarchy Series & Anarchy Open)

-There will be one challenge for the duration of the week, so these playlists will be temporarily static in their game types. Furthermore, Challenges will rotate in and out from the previous week to the start of the new week.


Challenge Open:

-I will refer to the more recreational playlist as “Challenge Open.” This playlist will be accessible every day of every week, which provides players more of a free play option of the wacky game types that are playable for each weekly Challenge.

-Players will not be getting calculation scores or earning/lowering any power levels in this playlist, as again, it will serve as more of a party playlist to group up with friends, or solo que and play the challenge without the need to get a high score or earn a certain badge. (think of this as like team action sack in Halo, wacky fun game types that players can play at any time within the week)

Challenge Series:

-The other playlist, “Challenge Series” will be less static, as it will have scheduled rotations of various time windows on selective days of the week.

-Each time window will have an average power level threshold just as Challenges have now with scheduled rotations on selective days of the week. Players will also be able to get different power levels with different teammates and scheduled rotations within this playlist just as with Challenges now, and badges will be earned here through met or exceeded power level thresholds.
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