Saltspray Rig Formations


Inkling Commander
Jun 19, 2015
Saltspray Rig Formations (Splat Zones)

Notes: Hello Squidicide Squad! I am Locke, and before we get started, I would like to remind you of some things. First of all, play in ranked battles whenever you can. Turf Wars is nice, but it will not be the standard competitive mode. Also, I do not create plans around it. I also ask you to play more Splat Zones. This is the mode that teaches you the most about Splatoon in a way that hones the basic fundamentals of PvP. So if you have to choose between Tower Control and Splat Zones, choose Splat Zones. Also, it is highly recommended that you use motion controls, as they are the most precise controller option and the closest Nintendo is going to let us get to a mouse and keyboard. I highly recommend using it because it is what catapulted me from B- to A. Practice your role in these formations when this map comes about for Splat Zones. And most importantly… OFFER YOUR OPINIONS! As I said in my introduction into the group: “Well, I want to establish a strong infrastructure for this team that revolves around formations.” And all you need to do for this is make a post or two. Start an argument. Do it. I want you to release all your stress by complaining about these formations. Review everything. Raise concerns. Compliment me. Insult me. I don’t care, just post. And remember: formations mean taking every weapon a team has in its arsenal and guiding it to the place where it will be most effective in conjunction with other weapons. So if I clearly am not using a weapon properly, call me on it. Your captain will call out these formations by referring to the formation number and letter. For instance: “Execute Formation 1-A!” or “Execute Formation 3-C-Alternate!” Also, make sure to tell me info about yourself in this thread. Good luck guys.

Stuff To Expect: Chargers at high ground, they are particularly strong in this stage. Mainly because of a variety of options. We need to shut them down early, and not by wandering into enemy territory to do some silly assassination trick. I hope you all have ninja squid, or have at least learned silent swimming tech because you’re going to need it. Expect Krak-On Rollers to try and invade the back setting up beacons. This is very minor, since even if we do end up being forgetful and hostiles attack us from the back I am fairly sure we will be able to handle it. One of our main opening tactics is while rushing through the area in front of the splatzone is to throw bombs at our disposal. Obviously, expect our opponents to do this also. BTW, all of our formations are mirrored for whichever side we start at on the base. Blasters are annoying because the explosion at the end really takes advantage of the tiny space in this map. If you see a blaster and your weapon is short range then immediately call someone who can handle it responsibly. Recklessness will get you splatted.

Note: This is a pretty strong starting offensive formation. There are no short range weapons, so we will have an advantage over other teams that run Aerosprays or Jr’s. The two splattershots provide good power. Our 3k will hopefully be a game changer. This stage is like a living hell when it comes to recovering from a zone steal. If you are the only person left and you are defending the zone, move to the back of the zone into that large area so you can have us super jump to you. It is so much easier to recover from that area rather than from the main entrance to the splat zone. This applies to all of our offensive formations. -Locke

A: Squelcher/ E-Liter 3K/ Forge Splattershot Pro/ Splattershot Tentatek. 3k heads to nearest high ground from the get go and takes care of any hostiles on opponent high ground. Squelcher, Pro, and Tentatek all go up the main ramp to engage in the ceremonial pre battle slaughter in the front of the zone. Squelcher throws out ink curtain, Pro identifies opponents with point sensor (sub), and the Tentatek throws a suction bomb to the other side. Before proceeding to take the zone you obviously want to remove the opponents that are trying to take the zone for themselves. When we basically have done our job and settled down, we go right to Formation B.

B: Pro will take care of any cleanup work that needs to be done, while Squelcher is taking care of any chargers or whatnot on high ground, while Tentatek is claiming the zone. 3k will go to the high ground area near the front of the zone where the formerly mentioned slaughter happened. This really should be Formation C, for “clean up,” but unfortunately fate did not give us that and instead gave us “bleach” which kind of means clean, but not really.

C: This is when stuff gets hectic and we are fighting for our dear lives and control of the zone. We want to take every single possible exit and cover it. Squelcher will stay in the main zone area watching enemy high ground, making sure no chargers, squelchers or whatever else breaks through. 3k will stay put. Pro and Tentatek will cover opponent main entrance. Pro will be constantly checking down below in the low ground area to make sure no one tries to sneak up on the 3k. If detected, Pro will immediately alert the 3k and will attempt to eliminate the threat. This is the only formation I am worried about for two reasons. 1: We need to be extremely quick to pull this off. 2: Our team is fairly loose, and if low ground trouble arises Tentatek will own a lot of responsibility for suppressing the main entrance area.

C-Alternate: After about 20 or so hours of getting recked they will eventually go for high ground area, so Pro should move to the back right of the zone and assist the Squelcher’s efforts. Tentatek will keep a watchful eye for high ground foes.

General Consensus:


Note: This formation has a more conservative conclusion. It also has more firepower. The Blaster’s radius is pretty amazing and definitely great for pressure game. A well aimed shot can nail obtuse camping chargers. Especially if the chargers or whoever is holding the high ground is moving around the high ground area. Dynamo Roller’s ink flick is also great for pressure as the ink spread is so wide and it travels so far. The two .52 Gals is definitely going to be something unique that I have never seen before. With the Ink Curtains early victory should be pretty much guaranteed. Also, .52 Gal is currently the weapon that kills fastest in the entire game. That will be essential. The two .52s setting up ink curtains whenever hostility is met. (Set up ink curtains when guarding the main entrance to plug a hole and make it nearly impossible for them to charge through. Great contribution!)

A: Blaster/ .52 Gal/ .52 Gal/ Dynamo Roller. The two .52 Gals head up the main ramp with the Blaster trailing behind. The .52s will drop ink curtains for the battle. The Dynamo roller will immediately head for the high ground area and start flicking ink. The Blaster will paint the wall near the front of the zone and go over it to start inking the zone/ taking care of high ground foes.

A-Advice: .52 Gals need to play conservative at this point in time if weapons are long range! If they are short range pull the rip cord and go to town on them! After a little inking about obviously the Dynamo Roller should move down to the back of the splat zone and create an escape route which will allow opportunities to perform have Recovery Formation A.

B: The two Gals patrol the front of the splat zone for cleanup, throwing out ink curtains when met with resistance. Dynamo and Blaster claim the zone/ eliminate anyone else near the zone whether it be the high ground or in the block area behind the zone. This includes destroying squid beacons. Again, a cleanup formation (no, I am not going to make anymore bad jokes about bleach.)

B-Alternate: If hostile threat is inside the zone, have the Blasters and .52 Gals bother themselves with that while Dynamo covers main opponent entrance. Dynamo will have no trouble, that I am sure of.

C: Blaster camps near high ground with one Gal. The other Gal covers the enemy entrance with Dynamo. If there is a high ground opponent the Gal will temporarily relocate himself to help take care of the problem. If the Gal or Dynamo dies, the Blaster will move over to the front of the zone to help hold strong with whoever is still there. If you get splatted, look at your gamepad and ask any of us to get to a safe area where you can super jump.

C-Notes: If your teammate requests a safe place to land, you will do it. If we want this formation to hold then we have to get this right. And if there is close combat happening right where your teammate is jumping do not leave them for dead.

General Consensus:


Recovery Formations:

Note: I honestly don’t have a clue how to do a recovery formation that could work consistently on this stage The back passage ways are useful only if you can remain undetected (which is nearly impossible). The main entry points into the zone are narrow and tedious. Bombs are especially deadly in these areas and can undeniably halt zone approaches. A good mid range weapon can consistently cover high ground areas, and short range weapons usually have a bomb available if their captain is stupid enough to put them in the position to guard it. So please submit your own formations to make up for my illiteracy.

Super Jump to whoever was smart enough to retreat to the area behind the splat zone. Wait until everyone is gathered up, then I will instruct you what to do next. This is much preferable to all other recovery formations so take note. If you are the only one left and you try and hold the zone I will have no clue how I will punish you.

Tentatek will take the main route along with Pro up to the front of the splat zone. E-liter 3k and Squelcher will go to high ground and picking off from above. Weak? I think so too. Suggestions are damn needed.

The Gals and go through the main entrance. The Blaster and Dynamo go up to high ground and attack. Weak? I think so too. Suggestions are damn needed.
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Full Squid
Nov 23, 2014
I am not sure how good this would work in a formation but I have always had luck on this map by having a .52/.96 gal with a splash wall to help cover the main entrance. The entrance is just small enough where it blocks off part of the zone and is good for cover.


Inkling Commander
Jun 19, 2015
I am not sure how good this would work in a formation but I have always had luck on this map by having a .52/.96 gal with a splash wall to help cover the main entrance. The entrance is just small enough where it blocks off part of the zone and is good for cover.
Yeah, that does work! I have the proper tools for that in formation 2, I will edit it in. Thanks for the input!

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