SCL 6: When Squids Attack


Good TOs are Capitalists
May 20, 2015

Squids and Squidettes:
We at SCL are proud to announce our sixth Splatoon Community League tournament-
SCL- When Squids Attack (Bi-weekly #6)
Sunday November 15th Starting at 1:00 PM EST
current signups: 22

We're back to bring you one more installment in our biweekly tournament series: SCL- When Squids Attack! Put your skills to the test once again in this Single elimination tournament on Sunday, November 15th at 1:00 PM EST!

How to Sign up
Team captains are expected to post a roster in the following format. This roster will not only be used for this tournament, but it will also be entered as a team in SCL, our custom ranking system, so that you may be ranked when playing against other SCL teams during this tournament, and during ranked matches at any other time. If you are already signed up for SCL, you can simply post your team name down below. This second option will hopefully be applicable for most of the teams returning from the previous tournament.

If you are already signed up, and don't need to make any changes to your roster, you can sign up with Challonge Teams at the following Link:

If you have Challonge teams, we suggest you use that page to sign up even if you're new or need to make edits to your roster, in case we miss your signup.

All signups need to be made following the rules and format below. Make sure all the information is there and correct. Your team will be edited in to the bottom of this post after you are added, and we will let you know if you mess something up.

Rules for signups. If you're not already signed up with SCL, read these carefully
Teams must name a Team captain. This is the person who we expect to typically make the posts and decisions for the team, and the person whom we will go to for queries. This does not necessarily have to be the person who makes all the posts, but they are expected to be the decision makers and are personally liable for the team's decisions. In the event of cheating, the team will be disbanded from our ranking system and the team captain and team captain alone will be banned for a fair amount of time, unless evidence is provided by the team that someone else is at fault.

Team members may only be on one SCL registered team at a time. Teams found to be running the same player will be approached and questioned. If the problem persists, then disciplinary action will be taken, possibly resulting in the disbanding of team(s) and the banning of the at fault player(s) and Team captains. This will usually not be resorted to unless teams are found to be non-compliant.

every team may only have up to 8 team members, and must have at least 4 team members, including the team captain. Squads with more than 8 players must split these players into different teams. EX: Splatoon community league has 16 people, so we would make two teams: SCL1 and SCL2, for example. These teams would be ranked separately.

Signup Format Reference
Note that we only need the squidboards username for the team leader, but if you want to post it for the rest of the members, then feel free.
Team Name:
Team Leader-
Squidboards Username:
Member 2-
Member 3-
Member 4-
Member 5-
Member 6-
Member 7-
Member 8-
Main Time Zone-
Contact Information-

How the Tournament will be Run
On Sunday the 15th at 1 PM EST, teams are expected to be prepared to play. Team leaders or another designated representative will also be expected to be present in the Discord chat, where the TOs will be communicating with them. You can find a link to the Discord server at the bottom of this post.

Teams will be asked to play against each other as laid out in the Challonge bracket which will be provided ahead of time. This tournament is not taking place over an extended period of time. As such, teams are expected to remain active until they are knocked out of the tournament. If a team is not responsive when their match is set to be played, they will be disqualified from the tournament.

Games are played as a best of 5 set, until the top 4, which will be played as best of 7 sets.

We will be using Halo-Style Map Rotations in this tournament. In short, maps and modes are predetermined ahead of time. For more information on Halo Map Rotations rules, check out this thread. The list of maps to be used in this tournament can be found below.

You may also sub up to 2 players from your roster in between games, every time. You may of course sub in less than that or no one at all.

Gametypes For This Tournament:
Round 1:
Game 1: Tower Control on Bluefin Depot
Game 2: Splat Zones on Flounder Heights
Game 3: Tower Control on Urchin Underpass
Game 4: Rainmaker on Arowana Mall
Game 5: Splat Zones on Saltspray Rig

Round 2:
Game 1: Rainmaker on Urchin Underpass
Game 2: Tower Control on Flounder Heights
Game 3: Splat Zones on Walleye Warehouse
Game 4: Tower Control on Arowana Mall
Game 5: Splat Zones on Museum d'Alfonsino

Round 3:
Game 1: Splat Zones on Camp Triggerfish
Game 2: Splat Zones on Walleye Warehouse
Game 3: Tower Control on Kelp Dome
Game 4: Rainmaker on Port Mackerel
Game 5: Tower Control on Moray Towers

Round 4:
Game 1: Splat Zones on Urchin Underpass
Game 2: Tower Control on Bluefin Depot
Game 3: Splat Zones on Flounder Heights
Game 4: Rainmaker on Walleye Warehouse
Game 5: Tower Control on Saltspray Rig
Game 6: Tower Control on Museum d'Alfonsino
Game 7: Splat Zones on Blackbelly Skatepark

Round 5:
Game 1: Tower Control on Hammerhead Bridge
Game 2: Splat Zones on Walleye Warehouse
Game 3: Tower Control on Kelp Dome
Game 4: Rainmaker on Bluefin Depot
Game 5: Splat Zones on Saltspray Rig
Game 6: Tower Control on Blackbelly Skatepark
Game 7: Splat Zones on Port Mackerel

Disconnect Rules
Changes have been made to this section!

Starting now, we are enacting a change to see how it may affect the tournaments. The new D/C rule is as follows
>If a team has at least one person drop in the course of the match, then that team must stop playing immediately and call for a replay. The same setup and player list must be used for the replay, except in the case where a person cannot reconnect for whatever reason, then that person may be swapped out. Matches can only be replayed in this manner once by each team, so any D/Cs in matches after that one must be played out. If the match ends very quickly afterwards so that it is very clear it wouldn't have made a difference in the results, then this rule cannot be invoked. If a team continues to play after a D/C it will be presumed they did not intend to call for a replay.

Also, if a large amount of people randomly D/C from both teams, both teams must stop playing and a replay will be played. This replay does not count as either team's replay

Reporting Problems
Players will be expected to provide evidence of any bad sportsmanship, rule breaking, or otherwise, preferably through screenshots taken with a phone or from a livestream or something. Depending on the infraction, punishments will be given out as needed.

If you are caught lying or faking evidence, you will be disqualified, your team will be disbanded, and the team captain will be banned indefinitely from SCL and all our future tournaments, unless another player is proven to be the one behind it, in which case he/she will be banned instead. Everyone else on the team will receive a warning for a certain period of time. Methods will be used to check accounts we expect to be alts of banned players. Bans will extent to NNIDs and IGNs as well, and a banlist will be made as soon as the first person is banned. Infraction history will also be kept, and worse sentences may be given out in the future if the player has been found to be a repeat offender.

List of TOs for this tournament:

Main TO: @Fightersword
Sub TOs:

Remember that this is a bi-weekly tournament series, so expect our next tournament to be about two weeks after this one, and keep an eye out for that sign-up thread.

The following teams are currently registered for this tournament:
Cocos Graines
Panda Global SND
Blackbelly Bouncers
Wabi Sabi
koopa clan
Koopa Clan 2
Los Falcon Punch
The Skwid Systrs
Killer Wails
in the Ink
Part Time Warriors
Elbow Drops and Peanut Pops
Blooper Ink
Get Kraken
Inglorious Belmnites
Alliance Rainbow Fire
Team Nintendome
Ink Incorporated

Handy Links:
Splatoon Community League
Discord Server

Explanation of changes to the ruleset will be explained in the next post, so you do not miss it.
Make sure you are up to date on these changes
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Good TOs are Capitalists
May 20, 2015
Ok guys, there are some actual changes I want to point out and to explain, so people just skimming through understand them.

First things first, we are hosting a signup page along with regular signups this time. If you have Challonge teams, you can use that to sign up, though if you still need to make roster changes, or are otherwise new, you will need to post here anyway. However I highly recommend making use of the signup page so our signups are up to date immediately when you sign up and so we do not miss you. If you don't have an account, it's pretty easy to make, and if you don't want to for whatever reason, I can still add you in manually. Again, that page is here:

Second: We are testing out improvements to the D/C rule this time around.

The rule now reads:
If a team has at least one person drop in the course of the match, then that team must stop playing immediately and call for a replay. The same setup and player list must be used for the replay, except in the case where a person cannot reconnect for whatever reason, then that person may be swapped out. Matches can only be replayed in this manner once by each team, so any D/Cs in matches after that one must be played out. If the match ends very quickly afterwards so that it is very clear it wouldn't have made a difference in the results, then this rule cannot be invoked. If a team continues to play after a D/C it will be presumed they did not intend to call for a replay.

Also, if a large amount of people randomly D/C from both teams, both teams must stop playing and a replay will be played. This replay does not count as either team's replay
We intend this rule to be more fair and less... wacky than the last one, without having to rely too much on good faith. Familiarize yourself with procedure in the case of a D/C needed replay As for what it means for 'very quickly', I mean if the timer is already up or the tower slides in really quickly or something. Basically when it's clear that the D/C isn't going to have almost any impact. I felt that was a fair amount of good faith for the rule.

apologies for taking long to post signups, but we had a few things to bang out, not just these rules. Please understand that we did get these out as quickly as we could.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 2, 2015
Cocos Graines- is signing up.

Team Name: Cocos Graines

Team Leader-Squidboards Username: DC-Zolairx
IGN: CG*Zolairx
NNID: Zolairx

Member 2
IGN: CG*Jill
NNID: Zugagirl

Member 3-
IGN: CG*Nyagito
NNID: Aagitoo2

Member 4-
IGN: Allana
NNID: Opalwhisker

Member 5-
IGN: CG*Bmamba
NNID: Kylesoul974

Member 6-
IGN: CG*uimodas
NNID: Guimodas

Member 7-
IGN: Tyflo
NNID: Typhlosion09

Main Time Zone- CET
Contact Information- Skype leader: ZolairxDT
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Kinda a loser
Event Organizer
May 9, 2015
Make sure you sign up through the challonge as well. You aren't officially signed up for the tournament until you do that!


Good TOs are Capitalists
May 20, 2015
happy monday everyone. Due to me being late on posting the topic, which is a failure on my part (part of it was discussion of what to do, another part was just me being behind the ball a little due to other work), I know this may be a bit short notice for some. I do apologize to those who may feel put off by that.


Jul 23, 2015
Sign me up!

Team Name: InkBound

Team Leader: Drluigi
IGN: IB_Drluigi
NNID: Drluigi1337

If I can't make it for whatever reason, then Rai will be the captain, since he's the co-founder of the group.

NNID: 73rr13rm0n

Main time zone: Eastern Standard Time
Contact info: Skype: drluigi1337 (for me) and riolu559 (for Rai)


Inkster Jr.
Jun 25, 2015
I hope it isn't too late to sign up if not here is Team SquiDNA
Leader: Jblaze NNID SDNA_jblaze ign SDNA|jblaz
Co-leader Gameboy NNID gamemaster1672 ign SDNA|GB271
Dan NNID hardwares ign SDNA|ren
Aidan NNID aidan0902 ign SDNA|aidan
Ninja NNID isaiah456 ign SDNA|ninja
Baller NNID awesonedude123 ign SDNA|ballr
John NNID sdnajohn ign SDNA|john
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Full Squid
May 12, 2015
Koopa Clan is signing up.
In the end, Koopa Clan will be spliting into two teams.

Koopa Clan 1

Team Leader: Kiver
IGN: Kiver
NNID: KiverZ

Member 2
IGN: Sorin
NNID: SorinSuperplayer

Member 3
IGN: Kamek
NNID: Kamek_02

Member 4
IGN: Andy
NNID: Coco-cloclo

Member 5
IGN: Magnet
NNID: Magnet-Alpha

Koopa Clan 2

Team Leader: Negens
IGN: Ritsu
NNID: Negens343

Member 2
IGN: ち
NNID: Dark0123dx

Member 3
IGN: Leaf
NNID: FrankerZinatra

Member 4
IGN: Noury
NNID: Noury107

Member 5
IGN: Raph
NNID: OktamerMK8

Member 6
IGN: Sael
NNID: Badeto

Member 7
IGN: Slax
NNID: SlaxHiste

Member 8
IGN: Zulu
NNID: Zulu-Prd
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Inkster Jr.
Oct 22, 2015

1.-FP★Triforce NNID: triforcemx1 (Representante)
2.-FP★Noodly NNID: Noodly
3.-FP★Dracko NNID: Drackodark912
4.-FP★Luffy NNID: LuFFy3D2Y
6.-FP★ADN NNID: adangurrola
7.-FP★LinkMx NNID: Emmanuel1289
8.-FP★Felix NNID:Aldo_Felix
9.-FP★Javier NNID: Vitisini2


Inkster Jr.
Aug 2, 2015
Team Name: The Skwid Systrs (Alias)
Team Leader-
Squidboards Username: Yugo1234
IGN: Jood
NNID: Prinnie

Member 2-
IGN: YugoSquid
NNID: timmydayo

Member 3-
IGN: Agent Tree
NNID: RemiRei

Member 4-
IGN: Oktolyng
NNID: quistal

Member 5 -
IGN: Cally
NNID: Mcicedtea

Member 6 -
IGN: Muhree
NNID: Afrohawk

Member 7 -
IGN: Moo
NNID: callmediego
Main Time Zone- EST
Contact Information- on discord


Good TOs are Capitalists
May 20, 2015
updated OP. we're up to ten. thanks for using the signup page guys, it makes it a lot easier. Just a couple of days left to sign up!


Inkster Jr.
Jul 20, 2015
Team Name: in The ink
Team Leader- iTi Nanerz
Squidboards Username: Nanerz
IGN: iTi Nanerz
NNID: TheeTheNanerz
Member 2- Torizo
IGN: iTi Torizo
NNID: SmashBroIV
Member 3- Hunty
IGN: iTi Hunty
NNID: TheDoctorU
Member 4- Nos
IGN: iTi Nos
NNID: BushDid7eleven
Member 5- Maria
IGN: iTi Maria
NNID: Itttbittyskity
Member 6- Lag
IGN: iTi Lag
NNID: lagruenzo
Member 7- MadMod
IGN: iTi MadMod
NNID: Devilele
Member 8- Vallu
IGN: iTi Vallu
NNID: Vallu111
Main Time Zone- PST/EST Split
Contact Information- Captains Skype: RKadeSoundz

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