It just seems stdx got really excited about the potential for the splatoon scene after seeing the first invitational and went all in and did not get what they were hoping for. They were not great at promoting the team, although they were more than supportive of them. The team really didn’t know how to promote themselves. Everything was perfect for them in the first half of their sponsorship and toward the end they just fell apart. Had they stayed undefeated, stdx would’ve resigned. Because it’s the only way to justify it. You can look at any other game stdx sponsors and almost all of them if not all of them have bigger numbers in everything lan. So stdx really didn’t get anything in return, certainly not profit , and certainly not a big enough scene for them to want to commit more. For the most prominent (and only) pro splatoon team in North America to be dropped after one year is a little alarming. I would’ve assumed they could’ve renegotiated, but from the post penguitt makes, it looks like they weren’t even getting paid, so stdx didn’t even want to spend money on gear. I don’t see a major breakthrough coming, it’s a great game but I’ve never heard of something like that in any other gaming scene. CrayCould you enlighten me (and possibly others) on the current situation with a small summary of their current dilemma plz?