Special Weapon Suggestions


Senior Squid
Oct 16, 2020
Switch Friend Code
Copy-Kit: (in sort’ve a reworked format of tenta missiles)

-User will pull out a small 3D printer, and be prompted to select one of the weapon icons displayed on the HUD.

-After selecting a weapon HUD icon, the special user will put away their 3D printer. (can use main & sub weapon during the downtime printing process)

-There will be a visual indicator from the weapon icons displaying which player is having their kit replicated, and which player is the one cloning their kit.

-Once the replication process has been completed, the special user will have the exact kit of their choosing for a duration of 7.5 seconds.

-The weapon icons on the HUD will update to show the special user’s copied kit or original kit when the special is beginning/over with.


-Much like tenta missiles, players can only swim in ink when their 3D printer is out.

-Copying a kit comes at the cost of a player not being able to use their own main & sub weapon throughout the special’s 7.5 second duration.

-When either the player receives their copied kit or the special ends, there will be a frame or two of delay before a player can start using their kit.

-This special may or may not have global range in the cloning part of it. (radius from a player required to select their weapon HUD icon to clone?)

Weapon Retooling:

-The user’s main weapon will be transformed into a different form that plays & functions distinctly apart from its original weapon. (much like the grizzco slosher in how it creates a new iteration of the sloshing machine)

-This special does not have a time duration, but rather a full ink tank that is non-refillable. (limited ink tank)

-It is important to note that this special changes how a weapon interacts/functions, rather than boosting its base stats. (does NOT upgrade main weapon)


-Players cannot use their sub weapon while this is activated. (like with zip caster)

-Like with most specials, there is some start-up lag before being able to use a repurposed main weapon.


-This special is similar in the spirituality and roots of Eco-Locator, but with a different focus.

-Users will have a flashing effect around their character, just as they had with Eco-Locator in Splatoon 1. This is to illustrate an AOE aura that a user has.

-Opposing players that travel within the radius of this aura will have greatly reduced HUD and map information.

-Eco-Disruptor lasts around the same time as a Wave Breaker.


-When activated, the special user will have 9 AP less swim speed due to the effects of the aura.

-The user cannot super jump to anyone or anywhere during the special’s active duration.

-As mentioned, the special user's EMP effects are limited by their aura's radius. (special power up can increase the size of the radius)
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Senior Squid
Oct 16, 2020
Switch Friend Code
Feel free to share your own special weapons!


Inkling Commander
Oct 4, 2023
ingopoisis :)
Disruptor 2.0: Slows every one on the oposing team down, slowly takes their ink until they have the message that says Low ink, and While this is happaning they can not recover ink

Basicly free splats

Deleted member

quad inkstrike shoots out four missiles instead of three and covers 30% of the map of your ink color and you can shoot your main weapon, kind of like bomb rush and you kind of have a bomb rush perk your sub weapon would go longer if you hold down the R button

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