Speculative Tactics


Senior Squid
Apr 23, 2015
The game is still more than a month a way, so I thought I'd list down some stuff I want to try based on the footage I've seen in case I forget. I never got a chance to play the demos, so feel free to tell me what does/doesn't work.

  1. I noticed when a wall gets painted, the paint drips down a little bit. So, would it be faster and more ink efficient to paint it top to bottom using short bursts and allowing them to drip down rather than bottom to top?
  2. Why haven't I seen any footage of anyone doing 360s and firing into the air with splattershot like a sprinkler? It seems like that would be the fastest way to cover the most ground if you're in unpainted/enemy territory, because if you're turning quickly, there's less chance for the paint splats to overlap each other.
  3. I learned in Physics that there are two trajectories to hit the same spot with a projectile. Fire first at a high angle and another at a lower angle, and if done right they can hit the same target at the same time. So, maybe if we know where an opponent will be, we could preemptively fire a burst high and when they reach that spot, we fire at the lower angle and it would effectively double the damage output for that burst.
  4. I also learned 45 degrees is the optimal angle to fire to get the most horizontal distance. I imagine people would try panning up to that angle if their opponent is just out of reach. I'm wondering if the ink keeps its momentum though(or even if it still does damage), because it looked like they fall almost straight down once they travel past a certain distance.
  5. Hiding in a wall as a squid seems obvious, but it seems like if you don't do anything you slowly fall down. I think I also saw that if you hit the yellow "ceiling" line it bumps you off the wall. So, if I wanna stay hidden in the wall, would I have to just tilt the analog stick so as to not go too fast and hit the yellow line and not too slow and start drifting down to the floor? There's not much vertical room on some walls too, could be tough to stay completely hidden since moving causes those ripples in the ink.
  6. This might be a stupid tactic, but I was thinking if your opponent painted one of the the long vertical walls, you could just fire a single shot near the top and make it useless. It's not useful to you either, but maybe they won't notice that single splat until they're near the top so they'll have to go back down, turn human, aim up, fire to fix it, turn squid and swim back up. It's more of an annoyance tactic, but meanwhile, all you had to do was fire that single shot.
  7. You leave little footsteps of ink after you've just stepped off your own ink. I hope that counts towards the total. Also, what is the smallest size splat that you can hide in? I doubt you could hide in your own footsteps, but if you could...
  8. 110% certain there will be people doing "drawings" the whole match. Gotta watch out for those.


Pro Squid
Apr 23, 2015
Other Side of Sanity
Well, I'll point this out: Footsteps fade after like 1-2 seconds. So they're not contributing to the total. After all, if they did, you could walk through enemy ink since your feet would be inking through it.


Squid Savior From the Future
Apr 23, 2015
Well I'm sure whenever the game comes out these things will be addressed or etc;, not sure.


Jazzy Inkling
Apr 23, 2015
winter park, Florida
I posted this in a previous thread, but I'd like to see players score kills by jumping out of the walls. It'll surprise unsuspecting opponents, and could be the ideal tactic to utilize when stuck in a narrow hallway or choke point.


Wet, Warm & Sticky
Apr 23, 2015
If I don't see Templar Assassin style dives and dodges while scoring quads I'm going to be upset. I'm really looking forward to mad Squid tech.


Inkling Cadet
Apr 23, 2015
the Squid Research Lab
  1. 110% certain there will be people doing "drawings" the whole match. Gotta watch out for those.

I'm sure with the limited communication options in the game, people will find 'creative' ways to get their message across :scared: keep your eyes on that minimap


The Artist
Site Moderator
Apr 23, 2015
I posted this in a previous thread, but I'd like to see players score kills by jumping out of the walls. It'll surprise unsuspecting opponents, and could be the ideal tactic to utilize when stuck in a narrow hallway or choke point.
I think after a while you aren't able to stay put on a wall for a set amount of time, when i played the game at pax I noticed that when going up some ramps you may get stuck and you will fall down, also when inklings drop they fall pretty fast so getting a kill from the wall seems like a challenge. however you could use the splat charger when falling to get a nice kill


Inkling Cadet
Apr 24, 2015
something I noticed (or think I noticed, I may have been mistaken) was that when you are in squid form, if you move slowly you don't make ripples. maybe a way to sneak up on someone?


The Artist
Site Moderator
Apr 23, 2015
something I noticed (or think I noticed, I may have been mistaken) was that when you are in squid form, if you move slowly you don't make ripples. maybe a way to sneak up on someone?
Yes, actually this is true however you don't have to be very slow in order to not be seen. you can stay in one place and dart to some areas and the ripples are also hard to see in some areas of the map so sneaking will be a lot safer


Senior Squid
Apr 23, 2015
This is definitely something that probably sounds better on paper than it is in execution but coordinating with a partner so the first team member pressures an opponent from the front while distracted the second teammate takes them out from behind with the splatroller sounds pretty effective.


The Artist
Site Moderator
Apr 23, 2015
This is definitely something that probably sounds better on paper than it is in execution but coordinating with a partner so the first team member pressures an opponent from the front while distracted the second teammate takes them out from behind with the splatroller sounds pretty effective.
just remember that when they spawn they can come back to the place where they died but only if another teammate id there


Senior Squid
Apr 23, 2015
The game is still more than a month a way, so I thought I'd list down some stuff I want to try based on the footage I've seen in case I forget. I never got a chance to play the demos, so feel free to tell me what does/doesn't work.

  1. I noticed when a wall gets painted, the paint drips down a little bit. So, would it be faster and more ink efficient to paint it top to bottom using short bursts and allowing them to drip down rather than bottom to top?
  2. Why haven't I seen any footage of anyone doing 360s and firing into the air with splattershot like a sprinkler? It seems like that would be the fastest way to cover the most ground if you're in unpainted/enemy territory, because if you're turning quickly, there's less chance for the paint splats to overlap each other.
  3. I learned in Physics that there are two trajectories to hit the same spot with a projectile. Fire first at a high angle and another at a lower angle, and if done right they can hit the same target at the same time. So, maybe if we know where an opponent will be, we could preemptively fire a burst high and when they reach that spot, we fire at the lower angle and it would effectively double the damage output for that burst.
  4. I also learned 45 degrees is the optimal angle to fire to get the most horizontal distance. I imagine people would try panning up to that angle if their opponent is just out of reach. I'm wondering if the ink keeps its momentum though(or even if it still does damage), because it looked like they fall almost straight down once they travel past a certain distance.
  5. Hiding in a wall as a squid seems obvious, but it seems like if you don't do anything you slowly fall down. I think I also saw that if you hit the yellow "ceiling" line it bumps you off the wall. So, if I wanna stay hidden in the wall, would I have to just tilt the analog stick so as to not go too fast and hit the yellow line and not too slow and start drifting down to the floor? There's not much vertical room on some walls too, could be tough to stay completely hidden since moving causes those ripples in the ink.
  6. This might be a stupid tactic, but I was thinking if your opponent painted one of the the long vertical walls, you could just fire a single shot near the top and make it useless. It's not useful to you either, but maybe they won't notice that single splat until they're near the top so they'll have to go back down, turn human, aim up, fire to fix it, turn squid and swim back up. It's more of an annoyance tactic, but meanwhile, all you had to do was fire that single shot.
  7. You leave little footsteps of ink after you've just stepped off your own ink. I hope that counts towards the total. Also, what is the smallest size splat that you can hide in? I doubt you could hide in your own footsteps, but if you could...
  8. 110% certain there will be people doing "drawings" the whole match. Gotta watch out for those.
  1. Vertical camera speed is pretty fast so this is unnecessary, at least with the blaster
  2. only a good idea on wide open areas, I noticed there's too many walls and drop offs for this to be effective
  3. ink drops too fast, you'd have to aim really high up at first, but then you'll only be able to multihit people directly in front of you
  4. works, kinda. blasters range is really low no matter what
  5. you can definitely stall on a wall easily, but there will be obvious ripples
  6. i didn't get a chance to try this
  7. was told footsteps disappear
  8. none yet. although, the matches really are hectic and your ink gets erased pretty quick, so maybe this won't happen after all.


Pro Squid
Jun 22, 2012
I think in terms of tactics, we should look at the bigger picture here. More so in terms of map control, which IS the goal in a Turf-War game. I noticed that losing teams often are either too aggressive, or chase defensive (They all flock to the issue in the same way).
I lost a few matches where we took those approaches, but found that an aggressive, yet attentive assault works best, regardless of technical accuracy. Rollers cleaning up enemy areas and playing balanced, with ranged keeping the enemies at bay; those were the shutdown matches. The 80%/20% wins, the matches that end with you knowing you won are gotten by that kind of strategy.


Senior Squid
Apr 23, 2015
I think in terms of tactics, we should look at the bigger picture here. More so in terms of map control, which IS the goal in a Turf-War game. I noticed that losing teams often are either too aggressive, or chase defensive (They all flock to the issue in the same way).
I lost a few matches where we took those approaches, but found that an aggressive, yet attentive assault works best, regardless of technical accuracy. Rollers cleaning up enemy areas and playing balanced, with ranged keeping the enemies at bay; those were the shutdown matches. The 80%/20% wins, the matches that end with you knowing you won are gotten by that kind of strategy.
The metagame is super important, I forget to focus on that sometimes. Thread shouldn't have been titled "tactics", sorry

When I start learning a game, I can't help but notice the small subtle details.


I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar.
Dec 15, 2011
Honestly, I don't find the walls to be very useful. A lot of them are very short. Not very effective for hiding. As for surefire ways to win? I say send the enemy back to the spawn, and keep them there. Smaller maps are going to be bad for turf war, as we clearly can see with the Warehouse map. Spawn camp the enemy there, and you win. The rig is bigger so matches can be much closer there.

And as for those "drawings" I don't think anyone could make something before it got inked away by the enemy. And if they did make something, pretty sure no one would notice it before it got ruined.


Pro Squid
Jun 22, 2012
Honestly, I don't find the walls to be very useful. A lot of them are very short. Not very effective for hiding. As for surefire ways to win? I say send the enemy back to the spawn, and keep them there. Smaller maps are going to be bad for turf war, as we clearly can see with the Warehouse map. Spawn camp the enemy there, and you win. The rig is bigger so matches can be much closer there.

And as for those "drawings" I don't think anyone could make something before it got inked away by the enemy. And if they did make something, pretty sure no one would notice it before it got ruined.
Oh yeah, Warehouse spawn camping can be crazy. Especially with the roller special. Guarantees another splat if their whole team is spawning, and puts them into panic-worthy pressure.

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