Splat Ladder Rules


Inkling Cadet
May 9, 2015
New Hampshire, USA
*****Please do not reply to this thread, if you have any questions, please ask it in the Questions and Comments thread.


  1. All members are required to act as civil, mature, and respectful human beings.
  2. Offensive, foul, and immature language or actions are prohibited from all types of communication mediums.
  3. Have a positive, up beat attitude.


Joining Splat Ladder
  1. Click the Join Group Tab
  2. Once accepted, go to the Membership Declaration thread and list your NNID, Inkling's name, Time Zone, and Skype (optional).
Signing Up for a Session
  1. Go to the sessions specific sign up thread and declare your interest.
  2. Only 7 spots are open as at least one Staff Member has to be in the room for the sake of keeping score.
  3. It's first come first serve
  4. Exceptions might be made to rule 3 if someone has been wanting to play for a while but doesn't sign up in time, notable internet personals show interest, etc.
Prior to a Session
  1. Add all members in your Splat Ladder session at least 10 minutes prior to battle.
  2. Be in the Splat Ladder lobby 5 minutes prior to battle.
Scoring, Rankings, Etc.
  1. Stages are selected in an alternating pattern (i.e. Stage 1, Stage 2. Stage 1, Stage 2, etc.) Each session's stages are determined prior to when the session begins.
  2. Teams are selected randomly.
  3. The score formula is: (turf inked) + ([kills - deaths][100]).
  4. The session score formula is: accumulated scores within the session / games played within said session
  5. Points are determined by your session score ranking (1st = 10, 2nd = 8, 3rd = 6, 4th = 5, 5th = 4, 6th = 3, 7th = 2, 8th = 1).
  6. The overall rankings are determined by your points accumulated across all sessions.
*Failure to abide by any of the Behavioral or Systematical Rules will result in punishment at the discretion of the Staff Members, anything from being banned from the next Splat Ladder Session to being banned from the group indefinably.

**Subject to change
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