Splatana Wiper synergy and awareness post

Mr. Taro

May 6, 2024
Switch Friend Code
(Ok, first post so don’t mind how horribly organized this is.)

As a splatana wiper user myself, a portion of my losses are because my teammates don’t know how to follow up with my distractions/support. So, I’m here to talk about this! (If any other wiper mains in the chat would like to add, please don’t hesitate!)

1) Splatana Wiper and its role in the team.

Okay, so you understand better, what does a Splatana Wiper contribute to the team?

The vanilla wiper’s kit is mostly for a distractive play, meaning you give your teammates the time to eliminate them from afar or chasing away the opposing team. But of course, the wiper has a few holes in sone areas. Such as low damage output, and low ink output (in my opinion). It’s also a quick respawn weapon because if the user dies, it needs to distract the opposing team again. They are frontline weapons, so they should always be in the front.

2) How can the team help?

If you find yourself in a team with a Wiper, you’ll need to know how to use their distraction to your advantage.

Please, please, please! Please follow up sooner or later after the Wiper User distracts the other team. They may last long, but they don’t last forever! Help by splatting some of the opposing team, or covering the turf (in turf war), or just doing the objective over all. In some Turf Wars I’ve been in, my teammates keep staying back. Unless you’re a far ranged weapon like chargers, don’t do nothing! I can reassure you, the Wiper will play their role, if they get splat, they’ll come back.

(Last note: To any new Wiper Mains, it’s completely normal to get splat often. So don’t be sad that you got 1# Popular Target!)


Inkling Commander
Jan 29, 2024
This is a good thing to talk about for people who might not know, I've won a handful of really easy matches just by taking note of this, but anyone who's playing any aggressive weapon in solo should also keep in mind that they're playing in solo. Not everyone has the awareness to keep track of three teammates at once on top of the four enemies, everyone's special gauges, who's controlling what parts of the map, what their individual gameplan should be, and all of the stuff with movement and aiming that goes onto your mental** stack. It's just part of the learning process and I honestly don't trust the average teammate you'll see there.

You can and should absolutely try to play to the pace your weapon plays best at, whether it's faster or slower, but try to keep an open mind to your teammates not keeping up for one reason or another. Be ready to adjust accordingly no matter how awkward it might be. The one exception is where your team practically will never push an objective no matter how big of an opening you give them since at that point you're straight up going to lose unless you make something happen.

EDIT: I accidentally deleted ONE word while typing this that made one of these points way more confusing lmao
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