Splatomic Squids - Recruiting Casual Squiddos [CLOSED]


Inkster Jr.
Oct 5, 2015

Splatomic Squids is a casual team of friends who are just looking to play for fun in their free time. We primarily Private Battle whenever the most amount of people are available. We sometimes practice traditionally, but we are also prone to shenanigans and the like.
We would like to stress that we are NOT a squad. We will not partake in competitive play under the name Splatomic Squids and members are free to join squads of their choosing without ties to this one. (Feel free to regard us as a professional group of friends, haha.)

You can expect the following from us:
→ A friendly, humorous community--nicknames for days. And most importantly, a pleasent lack of salt.
→ A professional and organized channel of communication; we are well-maintained despite our lax mantra.
→ Regular activities, from squadding to private battles or even scrimmages.
→ Voice chatting, while not regular or neccesary, does occur when most of us are free.​

What we expect from you:
→ Having a Skype account and application.
→ Having a Discord. While we do not use Discord for casual conversation as much as Skype, all important announcements and topics will be posted to our server. The preferred method of voice chat is also Discord.
→ Read over the community guidelines carefully. Violation of any of the rules may result in a severe punishment, from a temporary ban to a permanent one.​

There is no rank, level, or age restriction. We are looking for a Support player in particular, but feel free to apply regardless of your main weapon choice. If you wish to join, please fill out this brief questionnaire, and upon acceptance, you will be added to the Discord and Skype servers.

Thank you for considering Splatomic Squids.
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