Splatoon 2 Patch Notes 1.4 Discussion (rough translation will update when english notes come out)


Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
Can someone explain this wording:

"・Even when the ability isn't stacked in multiple slots, the charge time before performing a super jump will be noticeably reduced.
※Maximizing the amount of Quick Super Jump gear ability will have the same effect.
※Total time from selecting jump destination until landing there remains unchanged.."

does this mean I get less benefit from stacking wsj?
They changed the algorithm for calculating the effect you receive per ability "point" (sub=3, main=10), so that even with very few points, the effect is at least noticeable instead of like... holy crap, I used two subs of quick super jump and it activated 3 frames faster!

The second part is more ambiguous, but I think what they've done is made the effect of having, say, 3 mains of the ability more powerful. Instead of, for example, jumping 40% faster you now jump 75% faster with max investment.


Inkling Commander
Nov 29, 2016
From the wording they used, I assume you will see more effect from fewer QSJ slots, but the max effect will remain unchanged. This means there will probably be more diminishing returns when stacking the ability, but at the same time stacking it will be less necessary.

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