Splatoon 3 OCE/JP Anarchy Series experience from someone who usually plays X battle


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
Kangaroo Riding Land ™
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first time playing anarchy series in a while and i can see why people have been playing it over X.
Atleast in Jp queue (i live OCE so i get q'd with Jp), teams feel alot more consistent in skill and weapon pool, i havnt lost in it yet (aside from my own dc's) but winning or mid stale mates dont feel like ive overpowered the enemy or we are lacking in some aspect unlike X, which is always the outcome with stales and losses (wins in X are usually due to luck)
i find my performance alot better aswell because these teams KNOW what they're doing so i am able to play with them, vise versa and every player provides an impact

good experience so far! def going to grind it > X, despite X having a better significance to provide skill level with power (its still terrible tho if you calc into anything 2300 or below TAK div then you legit cannot win without luck)

how have ya'll's experiences with anarchy been?


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Ohio, USA
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I actually haven't been playing anarchy because it's easier to see your skill increase and decrease using x-power versus letter rank, but maybe I'm wrong


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
Kangaroo Riding Land ™
Switch Friend Code
I actually haven't been playing anarchy because it's easier to see your skill increase and decrease using x-power versus letter rank, but maybe I'm wrong
Sure, letter ranks are worse at dictating skill increase/decline however i still find X inconsistant because sometimes i lose games on end due to poor matchmaking (terrible teammates VS high skilled JP 52 1 trick), which is why i think sendou Q would be the best option for most people to see skill increase/decline (other than tourney results) as we do not have a consistent way for solo q'ers to see their skill (unless you calc a high enough power in X)


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jul 28, 2014
Switch Friend Code
I think the fact that Nintendo split off two redundant solo queues only exacerbates the problems with matchmaking. X really should've just been how ranked worked from the start, I don't know why they gated a working rating system behind an unlock. Low X is this weird limbo of players who are good enough to have unlocked it but not good enough to win and that would actually be fixed if they got matched against a wider pool of low level players in the rest of the playerbase.

I know it is kinda nice to be able to choose which queue has the least bad maps, but I do feel it's doing more harm than good.

Also, I'm just tired of getting double or even triple backline all the time. I tried to play some Explo in X Zones the other day. Half my matches had double Explo vs double Explo. Make it stop.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
Kangaroo Riding Land ™
Switch Friend Code
I think the fact that Nintendo split off two redundant solo queues only exacerbates the problems with matchmaking. X really should've just been how ranked worked from the start, I don't know why they gated a working rating system behind an unlock. Low X is this weird limbo of players who are good enough to have unlocked it but not good enough to win and that would actually be fixed if they got matched against a wider pool of low level players in the rest of the playerbase.

I know it is kinda nice to be able to choose which queue has the least bad maps, but I do feel it's doing more harm than good.

Also, I'm just tired of getting double or even triple backline all the time. I tried to play some Explo in X Zones the other day. Half my matches had double Explo vs double Explo. Make it stop.
another problem is the regions/divs which i like being choosable but the problems come when very low level's say "im going to choose Jp because itll make me improve faster" and soon met with either bad JP's (which is normal, not all of them are god obv) or high lvl JP's (due to terrible matchmaking) which results in the matchmaking worsening and decently competent players like myself being treated with tilted westerns due to the mentioned issues, versing high lvl JP's with no team due to the mentioned issues, which is also why i think your mentioned issue "players good enough to unlock it but not good enough to win" occur, (my theory) --> which is more a matchmaking issue than anything else because the low levels get spread out due to the large amount of them and lack there of high levels to make matchmaking quick. ( i think they fixed the X distribution through the power splits but i think this still happens)

I also find that the weapon matchmaking is worse than anarchy despite anarchy not having any weapon matching systems (afaik correct me if im wrong) due to similar team comps (resulting in stalemates in mid until one team gets a gg wipeout) or weapon pairings which just do not work due to the weapon matching resulting in favourable comps VS unfavourable ones due to the stupid weapons paired together. Like i will play stamper and the mirror weapon is a roller? makes no sense, other midlines like VDS, Pro and even Jet Squelcher makes more sense. X is also just filled with alot of weapon cheese like splooshes running around or solo players who act like its a 1v4 and play like their life depends on this 1v4 the whole 5 minutes. Meanwhile the anarchy matches have people playing good weapons, with eachothed as a team not running around as a sploosh or brush doing random **** or 52 1v4'ing the teams cheesing their way up due to the matchmaking/low level issues. I think the matching should be decided slso through specials aswell as the main weapons due to how important specials are right now in the meta to even do anything because you get matched with 4 weapons with a inkstorm zipcaster bubbler and like misslrs which all do jackshit to help you get in (missles maybe but not in low lvl uncoordinated enviornemnts)

Again this is OCE/JP anarchy series so it may be different to EU/AMERICAS


Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I haven't tried out X battles myself but a good majority of my anarchy matches in OCE tend to either be a stomp fest from one of the sides or occasionally a few matches where things are pretty balanced, although in saying that I also feel like that might also have to do with me maining more backline weapons.

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