thanks anyone can tell me ideas to add
This was a concept I created, Destroy the Beakons.
Goal: Be the team with the most active Beakons at the end of the game.
Teams: 4v4: All weapons with Squid Beakons are allowed.
Rules: There are two periods, Placement and Battle. During the first minute of a TC match, each team must run (only ink walls) to find a location to place 3 of their beacons before returning to spawn. Beakons must be placed a specific distance from spawn, (the other team must also be able to reach it.) and nobody can attack others or other beakons during this time. Once the minute is up or everybody is done, the match starts. Then, the match becomes a race to destroy all the other teams beakons while keeping your own intact. If a team loses all of their beakons, they instantly lose due to knockout. Once time is up, the team with the most beakons wins.
1. No superjumping to your own beakons.
2. No placing beakons after placement time.
3. If you use a Killer Wail, you must wait until the placement timer runs out before using it.